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别对我说谎 英文台词 经典一点的 100多个词就行 200也可以 要英文的 可以是对白 最好是独白中

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:53:50
别对我说谎 英文台词 经典一点的 100多个词就行 200也可以 要英文的 可以是对白 最好是独白中
Watch his reaction to my statement.
Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face,which he was trying his best to conceal.It lasted for less than a fifth of a second.
It's what we call a "microexpression."
这就是我们所说的 "微表情".
You don't know what you're talking about.Classic one-sided shrug.Translation:"I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said."
不知道你在说什么.典型的耸单肩.意思是 "我对刚才所说的毫无信心"
The body contradicts the words.He's lying.
Yeah?When you accuse the suspect,and he acts surprised,is there a way to tell if it's real or if he's just trying to look innocent?
请讲?当你指控这个嫌疑犯的时候 他表现的很惊讶.有没有办法去判断他是真的吃惊 还是假装无辜呢?
Now that's real surprise.Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face.But if your suspect is surprised for more than a second,he's faking it.He's lying.
这是真正的吃惊.在你脸上持续不到一秒钟.如果你的嫌疑犯吃惊的表情持续一秒钟以上,那他就是装的 他在说谎.
One personal tip.You see this microexpression in your spouse's face,your marriage is coming to an end.Trust me.
如果你在你配偶脸上也看到这种微表情,相信我 你的婚姻到头了
These expressions are universal.Emotion looks the same whether you're a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber.The truth is written on all our faces.
这些表情很普遍.不论你是郊区主妇还是自.杀.人.体.炸弹 表情是一样的.真相 都写在脸上.