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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 17:08:32
It is said that long long ago there was a begger who begged all the way along the road until he came to a village in Changshu County.One day,he caught a chicken by accident and wanted to boil it to eat,but he had neither a cooker nor the ingredient.So he went to the foot of Mount Yu,killed the chicken,removed the internal organs,spreaded yellow mud mixed with straws onto chicken without taking away the chicken feathers and baked the spreaded chicken in the fire.After the mud got dry,he peeled off the mud shell and the chicken feathers fell off too with the chicken flesh coming out.About 100 years ago,the restaurant called Shanjingyuan which was located in Mount Yu in the northwestern part of Changshu County discarded the dross and selected the essential,added carefully developed techniques to the cooking precedure and created this kind of chicken dish.
英语翻译相传,很久以前,有一个叫化子,沿途讨饭流落到常熟县的一个村庄.一日,他偶然得来一只鸡,欲宰杀煮食,可既无炊具,又 英语翻译(旁白-教师):很久很久以前,在一个非常寒冷的冬天,有一位可怜的乞丐(家长),他又冷、又渴、又饿..他来到了一个 英语翻译长沙化龙池的传说 传说:长沙市天心区有条小街叫化龙池,相传古代这条街上,有家铁匠铺.铺里有一老店主和一个小学徒. 英语翻译很久以前,有一个小男孩,因为家里很穷,他每天都得不停的干活,到下午二三点时才能歇一会儿.这时候,他都会坐在门外的 一个偶然的机会 英语翻译 (一)新知识的摇篮――创造力 相传有一个英国人,名叫亚克敦,可以算是世界上书读得最多的人.他除了把自 英语翻译关于灌汤包子的形成,有一个非常感人的传说.相传600多年前,也就是元末明初,朱元璋揭秆而起攻打天下.1356年朱 英语翻译偶然看到的一个句子 英语翻译相传很久以前,天使与一个名叫薰衣的凡间女子相恋.为她留下了第一滴眼泪,翅膀为她而脱落虽然天使每天都要忍着剧痛,但 把句子改写成排比句度过了讨饭的童年生活和在财东马房里睡觉得少年时代,青年时代又在深山老林里打过短工,他不知道世界上有什么 相传古代有一个将军,他带领500多名士兵攻占了一个小城. 《骆驼祥子》这部作品写祥子到北平谋生,()次买车又()次失去.他失去土地后流落到()拉车(练习题)