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200分求一个 英文对白 要写A与B之间的对话B的 短小精悍 考口语用) 全部都要有

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 17:11:05
200分求一个 英文对白 要写A与B之间的对话B的 短小精悍 考口语用) 全部都要有
Topic 1:Job Hunting
Situation:Wot students are asked to choose between a job that offers high pay and flexible schedule with high pressure and little oppprtunity for promtion inthe near future,and a job that provides reasonable pay with modenst but steady annual increase and involves a relaxing working environment.
Role A:You'd like to choose the job with satisfying salary .Explain why.
Role B:You prefer the job with prominsing future and a relaxing working environment.Explain why.
Topic2:Beware of Ads
Situation:While reading a brochure bull of ads,two students talk about the advantages and disadvantages ofdavertising.
Role A:You think advertising cost too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads .
Role B:You think advertising tells people about the product.
Topic3:Public transportation
situation:the city has decided on new measures to discourage cat use.you and your partner are discussing the pros and cons of the law and possible solutions of car owners.
Role A:you are against regulations on car use,hoping the government can come up alternative solutions and develop subways.
Role B:Youthink the city is already too crowded with cars.
Topic4:Crime Does Pay
situation:The final examination is approaching.One of B’s classmates wants B tohelp himher cheat in the exam.A talks about the problem with B and gives suggestions.
Role A:Yougive your suggestions.
Role B:you talk about the problem and ask for advice.
Topic5:Interviewing a Scholarship Winner
situation:A Interviewing B,the Scholarship Winner,about his/her keys to success
ROLE A:You are a reporter from the fly radio(广播频道就叫Fly radio).
Role B:You are the Scholarship winner
Topic 1:
ROLE A:I think a job with a satisfying salary is more suitable for me.
ROLE B:How come?those jobs are normally attached with high working pressure and lowsy working environment.I'd prefer a job with more confortable working environment.Yet,a promising future is also very important.
ROLE A:Well,people gotta eat you know.Besides,I still have a mortgage to pay.It's not like I've born with fortune right?
ROLE B:But don't you think a job with a promising future will eventually bring you more fortune and success?
Role A:yeah sure,but you gotta feed yourself before the success!That's just how things work.
Topic 2:
ROLE A:Thos ads are just annoying!
ROLE B:why?what did they do to you?
ROLE A:They are just every where and who has to pay for them eventually?Customers!
ROLE B:True.But there is no doubt that looking into ads is a convenient way to find the right product.
Role A:yeah right,but do you how much money this ads cost?
Role B:well,when it is seperately covered by each customer,there is not really much for everyone~
Topic 3:
ROLE A:What's wrong with this politcians?They don't drive to work.
ROLE B:Well,you have to admit that the city is indeed over-crowded with cars!
ROLE A:But most people in city drive to work,the regulation might seriously affect the working efficiency since people can't even get to work on time!
ROLE B:Still,as the number of car accidents reported on the news keeps accumulating,don't you think it is time for the government to come up with this kind of regulations?
Role A:It's not that I don't agree with what you said,yet,the government should've come up with a better regulation don't you think?
Topic 4:
ROLE A:I heard that C asked you to help him cheat in the test,is that true?
ROLE B:You heard?It's true.
ROLE A:Well,What did you said?
ROLE B:I said I'd think about it,What do you think I should do?
Role A:I think you should say "no".
Role B:But he is a really good friend,I'm afraid if he fail the test because I refuse to help,he may never speak to me again.
Role A:If you regard him as your true friend,help him prepare for the test but not cheat in the test.You can't help him cheating forever!You gotta let him learn the lesson so that he will pay attention next time!
Role B:Yeah,I guess you are right.
Topic 5
ROLE A:Hi My Name is A and I'm with the fly radio.Congratulation on the Scholarship!
ROLE B:Thank you.Thank you so much.
ROLE A:Now,would you mind taking a quick interview?
ROLE B:Sure.
Role A:What do you think is the key to your success?
Role B:Hard working,ofcourse.just like Einstein once said:A genius is made up of 1% of talent and 99% of hard working!
再问: 提问5的回答 能否修改一下? fly radio 是我们的校园广播站.....