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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/20 03:35:34
i have lived and worked in slovakia for about three years.and i have talked to many people who had been working overseas for quite a long time. here are some of the things that i have found helpful to anyone preparing to live or work abroad. hopefully these tips will help.
Research:Knowing about the geography and history of the place will help a lot.you don't have to be an expert but just know the basics.If you're going to be living there it is wrth the effort.
Find someone you trust at home:find a friend or relative you really trust at home to handle things that you might have to deal with when you're abroad.my parents were great at helping me wit many things.they have been great at helping me to move to slovakia and come back to the united states.
Live simply:learning to live on a small amount of money is a skill. it takes time.living abroad can be expensive,so being able to live simply will help with costs.the other thing is that having lots of things to carry around is annoying.
Try to experience the culture:be open-minded and try your best to really experience the culture.learn the language,hang out with the natives and try to have fun.you may not like everything but making an effort will help you make new friends and make life more enjoyable.learning the language can be a challenge but most local people will see it as a sign of respect if you try,not only that it is just a cool way to impress your friends when they come to visit.
找一个你在国内很信赖的人: 找一个在国内你十分信赖的亲戚或朋友在你在国外的时候来帮你处理国内的事情。我的父母在很多事情上都帮了我的忙,他们在我搬去斯洛伐克和搬回美国这些事上都给予了我很大的帮助。
简单生活:学会用很少的钱来生活是种技能, 需要时间来锻炼出来。在国外居住可以是非常昂贵的,所以能够生活得简单些对与控制支出是很有帮助的。还有就是携带太多行李也是很烦人的。
试着去体验当地的文化:保持一个开明的态度尽可能的体验当地的文化。学习他们的语言,经常和当地人待在一起,试着玩的开心。 你可能不会喜欢他们的所有,但是在这方面付出的努力可以帮助你交到一些新的朋友,也能让你的生活更有趣。学习当地的语言可能是一个比较大的挑战,但是大多数的当地人会认为你这样做是对他们的尊重。如果你试着去学,当你的朋友来拜访你的时候,也能让他们刮目相看。