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英译汗(意思大体一样就行)带“”的不用翻译 急用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:39:31
玩后感 前天,我们去了泰安的游乐场“方特”,玩的很开心 早上,我很早就起来了,我们要去同一个地方集合,人都来了后,我们坐上大巴,就出发了。 在去泰安的路上,居然堵车了,到达泰安就已经上午十点半了,我们赶快买了门票就进去了。 哇~这个游乐场很漂亮,唯一不好的就是人很多,排队很慢,很无聊。 一进游乐场就可以看得一个漂亮的城堡,再往里走,有很多有趣的游戏,我最喜欢的就是 “维苏威火山” 和 “神秘河谷” 这两个,他们很有趣,也很刺激,但是也很危险。 “神秘河谷” 虽然会把你的衣服弄湿,但是你也会很开心。 中午,我们饿了,就去吃饭,不过里面的东西很贵。 我们一种玩到下午五点才回家,大家玩得都很开心。
解题思路: 翻译
We visited the funfair”” in Taian the day before yesterday and had a good time.
We got up early and gather at a certain place. After everyone was there, we took a bus and set out .but on the way we met with a bad traffic jam therefore we got there at half past ten. Buying tickets, we entered the funfair. Everything there was beautiful except that there were crowds of people. It took us long to wait in line, which was really boring.
A wonderful castle could be seen at the entrance of the funfair and many more interesting games were available further inside. What I was into most were“维苏威火山” 和 “神秘河谷”. They were interesting, exciting yet dangerous. For example“神秘河谷”.When you were playing there, you might get your clothes wet, but you were sure to get a lot of fun.
We felt hungry at noon and got something to eat though it was a bit expensive. We didn,’t return until it was five
Everyone enjoyed themselves then.