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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:52:58
20. 如果你同意的话,我们今天就工作到12点.
21. 这里至少一半的玩具是那对双胞胎的.
22. 走过木屋,左转,沿着河边的一条小径走,然后你会看到一棵大树在你左边.
23. 在第二个转弯处左拐(2种).
24. 哪个地方离苏州更近?上海还是无锡?
25. 我哥哥去年参军了,他穿制服的样子真帅.
26. 班长告诉我们今天下午在我们班和3班之间会有一场足球比赛.
27. --下礼拜来这儿吧,我将带你参观颐和园,你可以在那玩一整天.
28. 我确定这个5米长的盒子是他的.
29. 当我左转进入第四大街,我惊讶的发现博物馆的入口就在我的右边.
30. 如果明天他不来的话,我就一个人去那儿.
31. 我非常高兴帮助老人.
32. 昨晚当我正在看电视的时候,我听到有人在敲门.
33. 我很惊讶地看到我丢失的英语书在地上.
34. 他们经常在一起吃饭,因为他们比较亲近.
36. 西藏(Tibet)在中国的西南部.
37. 他害怕晚上一个人呆在家里.
38. 如果你努力练习,你一定会赢.
39. 要保持健康,你就得多锻炼.
40. 这支笔很好写.
20.If you agree with it,we will work till 12 o'clock today.
21.Most of the toys here belong to the tweens.
22.Turn left after the cottage,go on the path along the river side,you will see a big tree on your left.
23.a.Turn left at the second corner.b.When you see the second turnning point,turn left.
24.Which is closer to Suzhou,Shanghai or Wuxi?
25.My brother joined the army last year.He looks very handsome in the uniform.
26.The monitor told us that there is a football match between our class and class 3.
27.--Come here next week.I will take you to the Summer Palace.You can stay there for a whole day.----I can't wait to see you.
28.I am sure this five-metere-long box is his.
29.When I turned left and entered the forth avenue,I found with surprise that the entrance of the museum is just on my right.
30.If he will not come tomorrow,I will go there by myself.
31.I am very pleased to help the old people.
32.I heard some one knocking at the door when I was watching TV last night.
33.Surprisingly,I saw my lost English book was on the ground.
34.They usually eat together for they have a close relationship.
35.The museum is a good place to enjoy arts.
36.Tibet is in the southwest of China.
37.He is afraid of staying at home alone at night.
38.If you practice hard,you surely will win.
39.If you want to keep fit,you need to do more exercise.
40.This pen is very easy to write with.