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sea wolf读后感

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:08:49
sea wolf读后感
The Sea Wolf
The bibliographic information is found on the title page. The Sea Wolf is written by Jack London. The book contains 326 pages. The copyright date is 1904 by Watermill Press in Mahwah, New Jersey. Humphrey Van Wyden is a born gentleman who is educated and does not work. While traveling to see friends, his boat is rammed by another boat and sinks. Van Wyden is rescued by the Ghost, a schooner that hunts seals, and is forced to become the cabin boy. Life on the Ghost is hard. The captain, Wolf Larsen and others are cruel to Van Wyden. Van Wyden adjusts to his new surroundings by learning how to run a ship, and by becoming stronger. Miss Brewster, a woman the Ghost rescues, and Van Wyden become friends. They have had previous knowledge of each other through literary writings. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden escape from the Ghost on a small boat and land on an island. Life on the island is hard and Miss Brewster and Van Wyden become self-sufficient and fall in love. The Ghost, in disrepair and abandoned except for Captain Larsen, arrives at the island one day. Van Wyden attempts to fix the ship and in spite of Larsen's attempts to sabotage his work he succeeds. Larsen is slowly dying of a brain tumor. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden set sail on the Ghost and Larsen dies of the brain tumor shortly afterwards. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden are rescued by an American ship. The book's true meaning is better described in the plot than the brief summary.
The plot is developed well by the author. The plot involves Van Wyden becoming self-sufficient. Van Wyden is rich and depends on money made by his father, who was a businessman before he died. He does not work and has no skills to survive on the Ghost or to help support Miss Brewster on the island. A sub-plot in the story would be to escape from the island. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden must repair the Ghost while at the same time worrying about their survival. The characters' personalities made the plot interesting.
The characters fit in cohesively with the plot. Humphrey Van Wyden is a main character. He is rich and depends on his father's fortune, which he inherited after his father died, to support him. He does not work and is weak. He is well educated and uses his intelligence to survive on the Ghost. He uses his knowledge of mathematics to repair the Ghost. Miss Brewster is a main character. She is rich and does not work. She uses her intelligence to survive. She is not accustomed to doing things for herself. She is beautiful. She is twenty-seven years old. Miss Brewster can stare into a person's eyes and tell their emotions. Van Wyden can stare into her eyes and tell her emotions. Wolf Larsen is a main character. He is the strong, muscular captain of the Ghost. He is brutal and his crew hates and fears him. Some of the crewmembers have tried to attack him although he escaped their attack. Johnson is a minor character. He is a strong Norwegian. He is murdered by Wolf Larsen while trying to escape from the Ghost. The characters had to adapt to the different settings described in the book.
The setting changes throughout the book. The time period of the book is in the mid to late 1800's, most ships have sails and only a few are steam driven. The story takes place in the Pacific Ocean near Japan, and also on an island near Russia. The atmosphere in the story is terror. Wolf Larsen randomly attacks the crew so the crew lives in terror of him. Van Wyden, especially, feels as though he were prey being hunted by a predator when he is on the island with Larsen. The characters must adapt to the different settings by using different methods of survival, for example: Miss Brewster and Van Wyden must adjust to the climate of the island in order to survive there. The narrator describes the characters well.
The point of view is first person. The story uses first person pronouns. Van Wyden is the narrator and accurately describes the characters and setting. He describes the characters' personalities and traits and the settings' physical features and mental impressions. He often describes his feelings and reflections in the fog, which affected the setting three times. He describes in detail the habits and characteristics of the surrounding characters, for example: Wolf Larsen's brutality and uncertainty. Van Wyden tells the story effectively because his thoughts and emotions are critical to the plot. The mood of the story helps the plot develop.
Some of the moods discussed in the story are fear and hostility. Van Wyden, Miss Brewster, and the crew of the Ghost live in fear of Wolf Larsen. Larsen is cruel to his crew and he hits and insults them. Larsen is unpredictable; he will attack Van Wyden unexpectedly and without a cause. He will not have to be angry to attack someone. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden are afraid over whether or not they will survive on the island, especially with Wolf Larsen on the island with them. Most readers will have a feeling of suspense when they read the book. The reader does not know where or when Larsen's outbursts to the crew will be. The readers also do not know whether or not Miss Brewster and Van Wyden will escape from the island with Captain Larsen there too. Another mood discussed in the story is hostility. The crew, including Van Wyden, hate Wolf Larsen for his brutality. The mood of the story helps the reader define the author's message.
The author's message is people should be able to care for themselves. The author gave many reasons to support his message. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden were both weak and had they not learned to be self-sufficient on the Ghost they would not have survived on the island. The main theme of the book is that people who are not self-sufficient will not survive. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden are rich and dependant on others to survive. They have little strength in which to live on the Ghost and build huts and gather food on the island. They did, however, learn to be self-sufficient and thereby survived on the island. The theme of the book is best defined in the climax.
The climax occurs on the island. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden are stranded on an island. They have built huts and gathered food and sealskins. The Ghost arrives, although badly damaged and abandoned. Larsen is still aboard, and although Miss Brewster and Van Wyden attempt to fix the Ghost to escape from the island, Larsen tries to sabotage their work. Larsen does not want to leave the island because he is dying of a brain tumor. Miss Brewster and Van Wyden succeed in repairing the Ghost and escape the island. Larsen dies and Miss Brewster and Van Wyden fall in love. They are rescued by and American ship. The climax helps in deciding the evaluation and recommendation.
The evaluation and recommendation for the book is based on its contents. The book is worth reading because it provides the example of people who are not self-sufficient do not survive. Many readers will find the book well thought and well written. The book not only provides a moral lesson; it is also entertaining and interesting to read. The book will be recommended to friends age thirteen on up who enjoy tales about the sea. The vocabulary is easy to understand.