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英语翻译Thoughts of ‘good’ or ‘evil’,will give rise to those of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 04:11:43
Thoughts of ‘good’ or ‘evil’,will give rise to those of their dualistic opposites and attract like energies that further threaten the Traveler’s ability to stay safe and sane.And here we will have a choice; to either clutch to the banks of that raging river,and be dashed against the rocks,or to simply ‘let go’ and surrender to the roar and the flow.
Some will try to hide from this experience.Some will try to escape it.Some will welcome it.Some will recognize it.And some will have known all their lives that the end would be like this.Exactly like this.
As the Truth of Oneness – followed by Divine Love – returns to our ailing planet,those who love the Truth and who are therefore consecrated to serving the Truth without compromise or self-concern,will greatly rejoice at the shattering of the illusion of separation.
当与圣神之爱随行的唯一真理降临到我们满目苍夷的星球,那些热爱真理并一心一意追求真理不向谬论妥协的人会万分兴奋,因为对谬误的幻影就此破灭. 限于本人水平有限,只能做出这样的译文