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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:03:15
Harry Potter and the Sorcers Stone is about a boy who's parents are killed my an evil wizard. Then Harry is taken to a school where he is taught how to be a wizard and how to use his powers. He then is taken to live with these one very evil people who don't even like him and treat him like he's an animal. Making him do all the work on their farm and all the chores around the house. Harry then becomes a magnificent wizard and uses his powers against everyone who is in his way. Harry also comes to relize that everyone in his way will get hurt because he can not control his powers all that good. Harry has a lot of adventures in all his books. It's a series of books written by J.R. Rowling as he comes over the most remarkable events. J.rR. Rowling had written 4 books about Harry Potter and his wizard's ways into the way of life. It shows how a little boy left with nothing can become the most famous person in something. Harry Potter a(www.benkelunewn.cn)nd the Sorcers Stone is about a boy who's parents are killed my an evil wizard. Then Harry is taken to a school where he is taught how to be a wizard and how to use his powers. He then is taken to live with these one very evil people who don't even like him and treat him like he's an animal. Making him do all the work on their farm and all the chores around the house. Harry then becomes a magnificent wizard and uses his powers against everyone who is in his way. Harry also comes to relize that everyone in his way will get hurt because he can not control his powers all that good. Harry has a lot of adventures in all his books. It's a series of books written by J.R. Rowling as he comes over the most remarkable events. J.rR. Rowling had written 7 books about Harry Potter and his wizard's ways into the way of life. It shows how a little boy left with nothing can become the most famous person in something.
《哈利波特和魔法石》这部小说讲诉的是关于一个父母被邪恶的巫师杀害的男孩的故事.(11岁那年)哈利被带入霍格沃茨魔法学校,在那里他得知自己是一个巫师,并且在你教授的辅导下明白了如何去使用魔法.(这里好奇怪啊!不是应该在哈利的父母被杀了之后他就和他的姨妈姨父住么?) 随后 他和他的姨父姨妈(就是上文说very evil people )的一起居住 他们并不喜欢哈利,像对待猪狗一般对待哈利,他们让哈利做所有的家务,农务以及在他们房子附近所有工作.后来,哈利变成了一个了不起的巫师,并且用他的魔法与每一个与他作对的人相抵抗.然而哈利也意识到每一个阻碍他的人都会得到惩罚,因为他还不能很好的控制他的魔力.在书中,哈利经历了许许多多的冒险.这是J.Rowling的一系列关于哈利波特的小说.这给她带来卓越的成绩.罗琳已经写了4部关于哈利波特和他的魔法世界的书.它向我们展示了一个一无所有的小男孩是如何让成为一个出人头地的伟大巫师的过程.
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