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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:13:46
A Wolf Is Coming
Once upon a time ,there was a boy called Peter.Peter lived in a country.Every day he had to take his father’s sheep to a mountain.There was fresh ,green grass.The sheep liked to eat it.The boy looks after them every day.Nobody plays with him.He feels very lonely.He thinks his work is not interesting at all.He wants to have some fun.
So one day ,Peter decided to play a trick on the farmers.And in the middle of the afternoon,Peter ran down the mountain and shouted,“wolf .wolf.” and everyone ran to help him.When they came he just said,“there is no wolf.It was only a joke.” He did this three times.Then one day a wolf really came.“Help!Help!The wolf is here.” called the boy.But everyone said,“No you know that there is no wolf.He is just calling us for fun.There is no danger.” So Nobody helped him.The wolf killed all the sheep then.
This story tells us a person should tell the truth.If you get used to lying,you will lose the trust of others.So when you really tell the truth no one will believe you,and at last you will be punished for yourself.
再问: 最好能有中文翻译 谢
再答: 好吧,老弟 狼来了 从前,有一个叫彼德的男孩。彼德住在一个乡村里。每天他必须赶着他爸爸的羊群到山上去放羊。那里胡新鲜,绿油油的草,羊非常喜欢吃。彼德每天都要照看羊群。没有人和他玩,他感觉很孤独。他认为他的工作毫无兴趣,他想找点乐趣。 所以,一天,彼德决定和农夫们搞个恶作剧。下午的时候,彼德跑下山并且喊道:“狼,狼来了。”大家都跑到他身边来,当他们来的时候,他只是说:“没有狼,只是个玩笑而已。”他这样做了三次。然而,有一天,一只狼真的来了。“狼,狼,狼来了。”这个男孩叫道。但是大家都说:“不,大家都知道,没有狼。他只是拿我们取乐而已。没有危险。”所以,没有人来救他。狼就把所有的羊咬死了。 这个故事告诉我们,一个人应该说真话。如果你习惯了撒谎,你就会失去别人的信任。所以,当你再讲真话的时候,也没有人会相信你了。最后,你将会受到自己的惩罚。 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O