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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:32:53
Hello everyone,today I'll tell you some things of the universe.
To the 18th century,in people's eyes,the universe,the solar system only.With the development of science and technology,it is recognized that:the earth is not the center of the solar system,the sun is the center of the solar system.And the sun is only tens of thousands of stars in the sky in one.So people began to mind the expansion of the universe to the galaxy.
Milky Way about 100,000 light years in diameter,the sun rotating around the galactic center to be 2 billion a week.
In the Milky Way,there are many河外星系the existence of these河外星系far away from us,they also composed of tens of thousands of stars.At present,the most powerful Hubble Space Telescope has been able to observe the 15 billion light-years distant galaxies.
Galaxies we see at least an hour on the speed of thousands of meters away from us,farther away from our galaxy,leaving us the faster the galaxy is also the case between,this illustrates that our universe is still In the fast-growing.
You may not know that we at all times through the space-time in.We saw the sun is eight minutes before the sun,we see the stars at night,some on the issue of light millions of years ago,some million years ago on the issue of light,and even some billion years ago on the light,we have large-scale astronomical telescope to see the nebula,or even billions of years ago astrology.Therefore,we see some of the beautiful night sky of stars,in fact,the demise of the universe already.It is incredible how much things!
Perhaps at this moment,you are studying hard,you are a busy business,is to worry about promotion,or are considering where to go on vacation ......At this moment,you are in the vast space of the universe ......
Want to help me accurately translated,first I would like to thank the ...
英语翻译明天我就要演讲了,急需这篇短文的翻译,译的越准确越好!今天我要给大家讲一些有关宇宙的事.到了18世纪,在人们眼里 英语翻译:大家好,我今天很荣幸站在这演讲,我今天的演讲有关于学习 英语翻译求翻译啊,翻译成英语!明天就是我演讲了!Hello!Everyone!很高兴今天轮到我为大家演讲.我演讲的内容是 英语翻译求"世纪商贸广场"的英文翻译,希望大家能给我个准确的翻译, 英语翻译要语法准确 明天就要演讲用了1.我从六个方面向大家展示(介绍)英国.2.这是现在的女王3.英国拥有美丽的自然风光 英语翻译要语法准确 明天就要演讲用了我从六个方面向大家展示(介绍)英国。这是现在的女王3.英国拥有美丽的自然风光,让我们 英语翻译老师同学们大家好,我今天演讲的题目是:梦想.我和一些朋友在学校申办了一个足球社团,所以我才准备了今天的演讲.说白 英语翻译各位帮忙翻译下这句话:我演讲的题目是昨天,今天,明天.昨天为了这个话题在宿舍准备一晚上,今天就站在讲台上演讲了, 树的启示作文!最好在今天帮助我,明天老师就要讲了 请大家给我一些有关命运演讲的例子! 英语翻译我在打暑假收银员的工作,今天碰到外国人说不来出糗了,希望大家赶紧帮我翻译下明天好用! 我需要一个描写春天的作文,最好在今天给我,明天就要交,也可以给一些好句好段