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世界是平的 英文读后感

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 05:46:44
世界是平的 英文读后感
Are such a beautiful night for reading, and consider suitable. This table is a book I can recommend the elderly - "the world is flat", my colleagues tell me this is the city's party secretary Wang Yang recommend the book to see the people. Frankly, nearly a month of reading,囫囵吞枣are a lot of places, some places do not even look. This book is the introduction of economic globalization is not so much as it is a subject of economic globalization for a long newsletter.
Look at this book when my brain is initially chaotic, and feels like a look at electronic products specification, covering long term major computer too much, which makes me think of learning DOS computer contact system, it students time to become a nightmare of mine. The world more and more people use the computer, but does not mean that all people are aware of one of the reason, like when the computer time operating systems are DOS, the computer's usage is far below the rate after the advent of WINDOS. The look book, a bit like using a computer in the DOS era. However, readers are worthy of Thomas Friedman identity, he used almost an emotional approach, vivid stories and bold imagination to interpret the economic globalization, so I have to be in this turbulent economic globalization from镇住, at the same time deeply their lack of knowledge.
The book's point of view, we are in a globalized version 3.0 will bring us this new era of power both geopolitical factors, there is also progress in technology and production based on this innovative model. As today's India is able to level playing field at large embrace knowledge on high-income returns huge IT outsourcing industry and the phone service is because the world has not yet been completely leveled, they cultivate a large number of Science and Technology elite, they know how to develop people's brainpower.
"The World Is Flat," told us that the platform competition has pushed the level. Take a look at today's world, no country can be free from the impact of competition, you can not enjoy co-operation brought about because of great returns. Enterprises and between enterprises, among people full of competition and cooperation, because of competition and cooperation have brought changes in the whole world, and promoted the development of human civilization and dissemination.
We are fully aware of the CPC Central Committee on this point, the CPC Central Committee on October 10 at the ten held the sixth plenary session of six announced to the world on the face of a flat world is our country's history of choice, building a harmonious society proposed strategic planning by further deepening the reforms; to further improve the party's ability to govern; set up environment-friendly mode of economic growth to achieve economic, political, and the living environment of harmony and unity, in order to meet the tide of economic globalization 3.0. We have prepared, we can shout loudly and firmly: "Let more severe storms more you!" This is the face of competition of the world our great Declaration; This is the opportunities and challenges face us in the whole show heart smile "As the heaven revolves, the gentleman should improve himself." We want to build a harmonious society through the use of this flat world, grasp the U.S. tomorrow, I have this vision of the Government are proud of. At the same time as an ordinary person of me, how to face this kind of stress and challenges, how to realize the value of their own?
At our work and the same can not be the cause of the lack of the factor of competition and cooperation, our work in this simple and everyday hard work in this seemingly easy work of Ordinary contains same competition, from his own attitude to the job duty heart, from the personal ability to learn job skills that are marked with the brand of competition, survival of the fittest society is a competitive place, any time, who can stand out from the competition, who will be able to enjoy the pleasure of the victor.
I read this book do not really understand, but still gain the sense of urgency, as a young man entering the society, I can only continue to study the absorption of new knowledge and constantly consolidate and apply the knowledge learned in practice and strive to work at the world level has its own place. As the author says in the book "the spirit of the flat world is the meaning of each of their workers will be the iron rice bowl, risk and economic security, and the government and enterprises is the formation of this ability to help people."
Flattening of the world so that each individual will stand on the same level of online, any business, organization or individual will be involved in the integration of the global business environment. Let us go together along with the author of this flat world, which is by necessity to the realm of freedom to enter a key to recognize the area.