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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:29:52
1.The glass dome looks like a huge bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty.
2.The lady glanced at then both,and then walked over to Debbie.
(重点解释的是glanced at这个词..)
The world's largest sand sculpture festival has begun in Belgium.It includes a __1__-than-life sculpture of recently dead pop star Michael Jackson.
The world's largest sand castle festival is going on in Belgium __2__ the seaside town of Blankenberge.The event __3__ for 11 years.This year's theme is pirates.For this,the sculptors spent a whole day __4__ pirate films.
The exhibits are the work of seven __5__.They're made of a special type of sand __6__ comes from the bottom of rivers.
It took Borescki Wiaczeslaw,a Polish artist four days to __7__ the two-meter-tall statue——a sculpture of pop star Michael Jackson.
Borescki Wiaczeslaw said,"In fact,my sculpture career __8__ Michael Jackson.I once found a picture of him in a newspaper so I took a pencil and I started to draw him.I was 16 years old and after that,I gave it __9__a gift to my first girlfriend."Michael Jackson and the pirates will be on display __10__ the end of August.
1.A.larger B.large C.small D.smaller
2.A.at B.on C.of D.with
3.A.begins B.has begun C.had run D.has been running
4.A.watching B.hearing C.making D.noticing
5.A.seconds B.minutes C.weeks D.hours
6.A.where B.who C.when D.that
7.A.draw B.put C.do D.build
8.A.ended with B.depended on C.started with D.based on
9.A.as B.for C.like D.than
10.A.before B.after C.until D.from
The students were fascinated by his ideas.
The students were attracted by his ideas.
It采取了Borescki Wiaczeslaw,一位波兰艺术家对__7的四天流行音乐明星迈克尔・杰克逊二米高statue——a雕塑.
Borescki Wiaczeslaw说,“实际上,我的雕塑事业__8 Jackson.I曾经发现图片的他报纸,因此我的迈克尔采取了铅笔,并且我开始画他.我是16岁,并且在那以后,我给了它__9__a礼物我的第一个女朋友.“迈克尔杰克逊和海盗将是在显示__10底8月.