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英文好的人请帮我翻译下 这几小段话~麻烦啦~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 20:34:36
英文好的人请帮我翻译下 这几小段话~麻烦啦~
1. sky-high credit line (Many US banks including the American Express, Bank of America and Citigroup have begun tightening standards of applicants and are sharply curtailing both credit card offers and sky-high credit lines, US media reported. More borrowers defaulted on their payments as the US economy slows and unemployment rises, probably bringing another wave of unprecedented losses, the report said.
2. bonded port area (The State Council has officially approved the Qianhai Bay Bonded Port Area in Shenzhen recently.
3. white supremacist (Two US men have been arrested and charged for plotting a "killing spree" against African-Americans and ultimately targeting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the US attorney's office in Tennessee said Monday. Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, were self-described white supremacists. They planned to kill 88 people, including 14 who would be beheaded.
4. debt collection (Indian call centers are seeing a tremendous increase in the debt collection business as the US financial crisis plunges many Americans into debt. Work as a collection agent is increasingly hot with ambitious Indian graduates who fake American accents and are busy calling debtors daily.
麻烦啦~ 这是外国新闻的摘抄.
1 .高企的信用额度(许多美国银行包括美国运通,美国银行和花旗集团已开始收紧标准的申请,并同时大幅削减信用卡优惠和高企的信贷额度,美国媒体报道.更多的借款人拖欠付款作为美国经济放缓和失业率上升,可能带来另一波前所未有的损失,报告说.
2 .保税港区(国务院已正式批准Qianhai湾保税港区最近在深圳.
3 .白人至上(两名美国男子已被拘捕,并被指控为策划“疯狂杀戮”对非裔美国人,并最终定位民主党总统候选人奥巴马,美国检察官办公室在田纳西州表示.丹尼尔科沃特,20日,和保罗Schlesselman ,18被自称白人至上主义.他们计划杀死88人,其中包括14个谁是斩首.
4 .讨债(印度呼叫中心看到了巨大的增加讨债业务的美国金融危机霍金许多美国人的债务.工作作为代理人收集越来越热的雄心勃勃的印度毕业生谁伪造的美国口音,正忙着要求债务人日常生活.