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英语翻译Rosa Parks,who inspired a generation to fight for civil

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:35:06
Rosa Parks,who inspired a generation to fight for civil rights,died at age 92.Parks,a black woman nearly 50 years ago,refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man in Montgomery,Alabama.She was arrested and fined for breaking the law.
In response to her arrest,black men and women in Montgomery boycotted the city buses.They demanded an end to segregation,or laws that denied equal rights to black people.A young pastor at the local church named Martin Luther King Jr led the boycott.Because of the protesters'refusal to take the buses,the bus system nearly went out of business.
Many believe that Parks' decision started the civil rights movement,a struggle to grant Americans the same rights,regardless of the color."She sat down in order that we might stand up,"said civil rights leader Jesse Jackson."Her prison opened the doors for our long journey to freedom."
Parks' action showed how one person could make a big effect.She inspired others,including Martin Luther King Jr,to use nonviolence as a way to protest problems in society.
The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 381 days.Throughout those months,churches and homes in the black community were attacked,Despite threats to their lives,the community continued to refuse to take the buses.In November 1956,the US Supreme Court declared segregation illegal on buses.After the court order arrived in Montgomery,blacks began taking the buses again,sitting wherever they pleased.
Following the boycott,Parks moved with her family to Detroit,Mivhigan.A newly elected member of the House of Representatives named John Conyers Jr hired her as a staff assistant.She remained there until 1988,when she retired.
"There are very few people who can say their actions changed the face of the nation,"said Conyers."And Rosa Parks is the one."
Rose Parks,曾经鼓舞年轻一代为公民权益而斗争于92岁高龄逝世.这位黑人妇女在将近50年前,在亚拉巴马州公共汽车上拒绝为白人让座.她随后被捕并被判触犯法律.
为了声援他,黑人男女集体抵制公交车.他们要求终结种族隔离制度以及其他一切拒绝给黑人平等权益的法律.以为年轻的教堂牧师马丁 路德金领导了这次活动.因为抗议者的抵制公交系统几乎瘫痪.