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英语作文假设你是你班班长李华,你班女同学小丽因为身材矮胖而缺乏自信不敢与同学交朋友根据下列要求用英语给她写一封信1 帮她

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 16:14:32
1 帮她建立自信心
2 给她提出2点以上的建议
Dear .,
Hi ,I'm ..I heard from your classmates that you are afraid of making friends or getting along with others.I believe your lack in confidence is mainly due to overweight and short in height.in view of this,I would like to help you to get rid of this problem and build up great confidence.
first thing first ,many people succeed in getting over the overweight problem though it has been a nightmare for them.There is no reason to put yourself in such a difficult situation ,a message should be clearly conveyed to many people like you that you are not alone.You should try to grab some help but not to keep it to yourself.
Seeking help from others is one thing ,with the suggestion that doing more exercise in mind ,it would be an concrete ,workable alternative for you .Doing more exercise is beneficial to keep your body in good shape ,which eventually leads to a huge improvement in confidence reconstruction.
Finally ,I hope what I said could be helpful to your condition.
Best regards,
英语作文假设你是你班班长李华,你班女同学小丽因为身材矮胖而缺乏自信不敢与同学交朋友根据下列要求用英语给她写一封信1 帮她 求英语作文一篇!假设你是李华,请你根据下列要求,用英语给玛丽回一封电子邮件,建议她来你所在的学校.理由是:1.你校每年都 小学六年级英语小作文:假设Alice是你的好朋友,请根据所给信息写一篇关于她的小作文. 高一英语作文关于减肥假定你是李华.你的朋友Lily因为节食减肥而生病了,请根据下列要点用英语给她写一封100词左右的邮件 英语作文假如你是Joe,你的好朋友Betty因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑.请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议 英语作文:假如你是Jim,你的同学Mary总是担心她的学习,导致睡眠不足.请你根据上面的内容,给她写一封信,针对她的问题 英语小作文!假设你是Li Hua,根据中文提示,给Jenny写一封信. 英语作文假设你是Tom, 想要在本周六举办一个聚会,你想邀请你的同学Lily到你家,请你根据下面的信息给她写一封邀请信, 英语作文:假设你是小华,前不久,你收到你以前同学Amy的来信,信中告诉你由于体重原因,许多同学都嘲笑她,为此,你给她写了 英语作文:假设Laura是你的朋友,她弄丢了她父亲最喜欢的书,她感到很紧张,请你给她一些建议大神求助 英语作文:假设Laura是你的朋友,她弄丢了她父亲最喜欢的书,她感到很紧张,请你给她一些建议 英语作文 假设你叫刘明,是美国中学生艾丽的朋友,你收到她的邮件,请给她回复,回答她的问题,提出你的建