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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 12:34:04
An elderly couple got a monkey claws,this is a veterans brought back from India,you will hold it in the hands of a desire to say,it can achieve your desire to three degrees for.Wishing they need two Bai Bang.Elderly couple's son,then the next day at work suffered accidents.After charges and sent to the pension is 200 pounds.Old son lives with his wife earned a first wish.They also feel sad and regret.The evening,his mother begged her husband-second aspirations for the revival of their children back.Niubu Guo's wife begged her husband,said that this desire.At this time it is the middle of the night,and soon heard a knock on the door downstairs sound,the mother said her son is resurrected back,the first to Xialou to open the door.Can be seen is the father of her son Sizhuang,he was rolling to the death machine,Xueroumohu,even if it did come out from the grave,people can see it in his wife opened the door of the Xialou,said the claw picked up a monkey Finally a desire to please his son or go back to the grave.So after his wife opened the door,they saw to Kongji on the street,what has not,a disappointing return to the upper floors.
In reading this story,I know can not do anything greedy,or will only come to a bad end
英语翻译一对老夫妻得到了一个猴爪,这是一个退伍军人从印度带回来的,你将它握在手里说一个愿望,它就能将你的愿望实现,以三次 我明天就过生日了,我有2个愿望,我心里想一个,我在说出来一个,它会实现我那一个愿望?急 真是一个美好的愿望,不过很难实现,英语翻译 是我国流传很广的一个民间故事,它寄托了人民群众怎样的愿望? 一个在沙漠就要死了,突然出现一个神仙,神仙说:我可以满足你一个愿望,沙漠里的人很艰难地说:我...要.老. 英语翻译把:(王巧云,我爱你,今生今世,我只想与你共同度过,如果上天愿为我实现一个愿望,那我会许下这个愿望:取你做我的老 萧伯纳名言的出处“人生有两个悲剧,一个是愿望没有实现,一个是愿望实现了;而后一个悲剧尤其是大悲剧."这句话出自他的什么书 美好的愿望我从6岁起,就有一个愿望,这个愿望一直埋藏在我幼小的心灵里,今天我就把我的愿望说出来吧!那是6岁的一天,我在妈 .“五谷丰登”,“六畜兴旺”是中国农民祈盼的美好愿望.它反映了中国古代农业经济的一个特点是: 一对表现型正常的夫妇生了一个白化病的女儿,他们很想第二胎生一个健康的男孩,此愿望实现的... 英语翻译理性的说,这就是人性.一半是天使,一半是魔鬼.至死不渝的真爱固然很美好,但是也许只能是一个天真的愿望,因为它与人 我许了一个愿望,是拿减少寿命做代价的,现在愿望没实现,我害怕会不会减少寿命呢?