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新概念第二册94课答案 急求!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:18:49
新概念第二册94课答案 急求!
Lesson 94 Summary Writing
(1)At a swimming pool in Los Angeles,children are taught to hold their breath under water before they can walk.They begin learning when they are two months old and,in time,they can pick up weights from the bottom of the pool.The game they enjoy most is the tricycle race,which takes place seven feet under water.Some children pedal their tricycles,while others push or pull them,and a few get across without coming up for air.(80 words)
(2)At a swimming pool in Los Angeles,children who are taught to hold their breath under water before they can walk often begin learning to swim when two months old.Though they can pick up weights from the bottom of the pool,the game they enjoy most is the underwater tricycle race.This takes place seven feet under water and,while some children pedal their tricycles,others push or pull them.A few get across without coming up for air.(80 words)
Lesson 94
根据课文第一句话可以判断,只有a.Children can learn to swim much earlier than is commonly supposed (儿童可以在比通常人们想像的年龄更小的时候学习游泳)是课文所陈述的情况,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符.所以选a.
根据课文第10行,只有b.Not all the children ride their tricycles during the underwater race (不是所有的孩子在水下比赛中都骑三轮车)是课文所暗示的情形,其他3个选择都与课文内容不符.
只有c.taught how to swim(被教如何游泳)与前一句的instructed in swimming (被教授游泳)意义相同,其他3个选择a.learn to swim(学游泳),b.learnt swimming ,d.learnt how to swim 都有“学游泳”的意义,都与instructed in swimming 意义不同,不符合题目意思,所以选c.
只有b.in spite of the fact that (尽管,不顾)最符合这个句子的要求.而其它3个都不合乎语法.
a.in spite 不是正确的表达方式.
c.in spite of (不顾)后面只能跟名词,不能跟从句,而本句需要的是能够引导从句的短语.
d.despite 含义与in spite of 相同,后面也只能跟名词.因此只能选b.
本句需要一个能与前一句中的are accustomed to (习惯于)含义相同的词组.b.are used ; c.used to; d.used 都与are accustomed to 意义不符合,也不合乎语法,只有a.are used to (习惯于)符合题目意思,因此应该选a.
本句是针对游泳池提问的疑问句.游泳池应该用深度来测量而不是用高度.所以b.how tall和c.How high(多高)都不符合题目意思.
而a.How deeply不合乎语法,应该是How deep才对.
只有d.What depth(多深)是问深度的,最合乎题目意思和语法,并能同回答Seven feet相符合,所以选d.
只有a.against one another 是正确表达方式,并合乎题目意思,所以选a.其他3个选择都不是正确的表达方式.
本句需要选出与前一句中的形容词reluctant (不情愿的,勉强的)含义相反的词组.a.unwilling to (不情愿的);b.not ready to (没准备好的);c.willing to (情愿的);d.slow to (迟缓的)4个选择中,只有c.willing to 是reluctant 的反义词,符合题目意思,所以应该选c.
a.It is common (它是普通的);b.It is well know (它是著名的);c.It is pleasing (它是令人愉快的) 和d.they like it very much (他们非常喜欢它)4个选择中,只有d.与前一句The game is popular (这游戏是大众喜爱的)含义最接近,所以选d.
句中的A tricycle 是“三轮车”,当然有3个轮子.因此只有a.three wheels (3个轮子)最符合题目意思,其他3个选择都与三轮车无关,所以只能选a.
a.begin as 不是正确的表达方式,应该是begin with(以……开始);b.grow up to be(成长为,发展成),c.get into(陷入某种状态),d.happened to be(碰巧成为)4个选择中,只有b的意思最贴切,最合乎句子的要求,所以应该选b.grow up to be(他们将会成为未来的冠军),其它3个意思都不顺.
只有选c.out of breath (上气不接下气)才能使这个句子与前一句Some of us are gasping for air (我们中的一些人已经喘不过气了)意义相符.a.without breath 不是固定短语;b.breathing (呼吸)不合乎题目意思;d.coughing (咳嗽)更不符合题目意思,所以c.是正确答案.