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用单词适当形式填空1.Bob is _____________ (careful) than Fred but ____

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 16:56:11
1.Bob is _____________ (careful) than Fred but _____________ (careless) than Fred.
2.Which is _____________ (delicious),beef or chicken?
3.He is _____________ (bad) at learning maths.He is much _____________ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _____________ (bad) at English.
4.He is _____________ (hard-working) person in the world.
5.He is one of the _____________ (friendly) people in the class,I think.
6.A dictionary is much _____________ (expensive) than a story-book.
7.Miss Chen is _____________ _____________ than Mr.Wang.(popular)
8.Question A _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Question B.(important)
9.A rose _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ a weed(野草).(beautiful)
10.Playing computer games is _____________ _____________ _____________ of all the activities.(interesting)
11.Good health is _____________ _____________ _____________ thing in life (important)
12.Test I is _____________ _____________ _____________ of all the tests.(difficult)
13.He is one of _____________ _____________ _____________ artists.(famous)
14.Tom drives much _____________ _____________ than John.(careful)
15.The white flower is _____________ (beautiful).The yellow flower is _____________ _____________ (beautiful) than the white flower.The red flower is the _____________ _____________ of the three.(beautiful)
1.(more careful) (more careless)
2.more delicious
3.(worse) (worse) (worest)
4.the most hard-working
5.best friendly
6.more expensive
7.more popular
8.is more important than
9.is more beautiful than
10.more interesting than
11.more important than
12.more difficult than
13.the most famous
14.more (careful
15.(more beautiful)(more beautiful)(most beautiful)