作业帮 > 语文 > 作业

第一张图是题目  第二张是文章    求救啊  大神

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/07/15 00:29:16

第一张图是题目  第二张是文章    求救啊  大神
再问: 我和小伙伴分工合作,她做上半部分 我做下半的。我也不太懂这题目,我只知道格式 a. ************** b. ************** a. ************** b.*************** c.*************** 一直这样
再答: 写了一篇……你还要么……不是英语专业作诗无能前来凑热闹……(话说你是freshman么貌似身边的freshman在学罗密欧与朱丽叶……) I wait till the noon Sunshine distracts my thoughts like a fool Gingerly walk down the room In the hope of her shadow covering thecorner Anxiety comes from deep of my heart Here comes my dear Nurse She gathered her brows into a frown Please take a breath Tell me how does everything go Go to Friar Laurence’s cell and everythingwill be fine Nurse wipes her sweat and steps aside I see him looking forward my arrival We crave cuddling and hand-holding We shall make our promise Both in the age of full boom Let's bloom in this wonderful time 随你要不要了,反正写了……心里默默鄙视我就好不要说出来……