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英语翻译说明:Responsible Travel是尊重当地的文化及环境,对当地进行有利的旅游,对当地没有负面影响.举例

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:00:38
说明:Responsible Travel是尊重当地的文化及环境,对当地进行有利的旅游,对当地没有负面影响.
举例:有些客人看到当地人们的生活习俗很不适应甚至反感,为了满足个人的想法,对当地人传播自己国家的生活方式,时尚潮流,并想改变当地生活方式.我先讲解当地人的文化习俗,是祖祖辈辈传统遗留至今的,也许他们做的每一件事情,自己种地 自己做饭 自己建房对他们来说是很幸福,很满足的生活方式.我们做为游客来观光旅游几天或一段时间,他们在这里生活一辈子的,所以我们不需要改变他们的生活方式,改变他们的生活方式并不表示他们所需要的,还可能造成严重负面的影响.
Explanation:The Responsible Travel,respecting local culture and evironment,is a kind of favorable travle,it has no negative influence at all.
For example:some tourists feel wired and even disgusting when seeing the local customs.As to satisfy their own feeling,they propagandize their own lifeway,style,and try to change local ways.Under this condition,I would explain the local culture first,which is inherited from ancesters.The local people like the lifeway,that they do everything themselves,like planting,cooking and building houses.They live here all their lives.we,as tourists,staying here for only a few days,have no right to change their lifeway.Changing their lifeway is not what they need and may result in seriously negative influence.