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求一篇外文翻译The government wanted to put up a big office building

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:56:21
The government wanted to put up a big office building in the capital and had to choose an engineering company(工程公司) for the project. Several big companies wanted the job because it would bring them a lot of money if they could get it. But, of course, they could not all have it, so the government had to decide which of them should be the lucky one. They, therefore, appointed(任命) a government official(官员) to examine(审查) the various(各种的) companies' offers(提供), decide which was the most suitable(合适的), and then advise the Minister of Works which of them to choose.
After some months, the choice was made and work was about to begin when one of companies which had not been successful com?plained(投诉) to the Minister. They said that the official who had been responsible for advising him on the choice of a company to do the work had accepted(接受) bribes(贿赂).
The Minister at once ordered an inquiry(调查) into the whole matter, and after a month had proof(证据) that the official had indeed taken bribes. He, therefore, sent for him and asked for an explanation(解释).
The official admitted(承认) that he had taken big bribes. "But, "he said, "I did not just take one from the company to which I recommended(推荐) that you should give the work. I took a bribe from each company to favour(偏袒) it in my choice of the one to recommend."
"Well, then, "said the Minister, "how did you finally make your choice? Did you choose the one that gave you the biggest bribe?"
"Certainly not, sir!" Answered the official, deeply hurt(受到伤害) that the Minister should accuse him of(指责) such dishonesty(不诚实). "I was very careful to take exactly the same bribe from each of the companies that were trying to get the job."
"Then how did you choose?" The Minister asked.
"As an honest government official," answered the man, "on the basis of taking the same bribe, I chose the company that I thought would do the work best and most cheaply(便宜地), of course