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英语翻译1,get rolling2 no sweat3 snowed under4 worth one's salt5

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 21:13:19
1,get rolling
2 no sweat
3 snowed under
4 worth one's salt
5 middle-of-the-road
6 stack up
7 give someone the runaround
8 to hare off
9 to ape somebody
10 to ferret sth out
11 to hog sth
12 to horse around/about
13 to hound somebody
14 to rat on sb
1 to squirrel sth away
2 to wolf sth down
3 stars in one's eye
4 put sb on a pedestal
5 lay it on thick
6 know where one stands
7 no strings attached
8 have a corner on sth
9 raise eyebrows
10 hands down
11 hand over fist
12take center stage
13 srike a chord
14 flash in the pan
15 feather in one's cap
16 ahead of one's time
17 make a mark
18 off the beaten path
19 put one's name on the line
20 bring to one's feet
21 warm up to
get rolling - start to be active
eg.let's get rolling!
no sweat - easily done or handled; a task that is easy or simple
eg.- Will you carry those boxes out to the garage?
- No sweat,boss.
snowed under - have too much work to do
eg.I want to leave work on time today,but I can't because I'm snowed under.
worth one's salt - competent or adept
eg.Any doctor worth his salt should be able to correctly diagnose the illness.
middle-of-the-road - having a centrist attitude or philosophy; not extreme,especially politically.(中庸之道)
eg.A typical middle of the road compromise is to leave the problem as it is.
stack up - 1.To measure up or equal
eg.Their gift doesn't stack up against his.
2.To make sense; add up
eg.Her report just doesn't stack up.
give someone the runaround - to delay,dodge,or frustrate (someone),especially by providing useless information or directions .
eg.They gave me the runaround when I called.I got a full tour of the facility by phone,but no answer to my question.
to hare off - walk without a certain direction
eg.Plans are just there to stop you haring off in the wrong direction,but the important thing is to hare off.You'll soon see which way you need to go.
to ape somebody - to imitate another
eg.These days,everybody is trying to ape somebody else.
ferret out - search and discover through persistent investigation
eg.She ferreted out the truth
to hog sth - to take more than your share,not let anyone else have any/not allow others to use the thing that you are hogging.
eg.He was greedy as a pig to hog the cake.
to horse around/about - to play or fiddle; to clown; to do nothing of importance or consequence.
eg.Can we quit horsing around and get some work done?
to hound somebody - to persistantly follow someone
eg.It doesn't do me any good to hound somebody or follow them and make them angry at me.
to rat on somebody - to inform on somebody else,especially to the police or
breaks a friends trust and tells their secrets
eg.If you want to rat on somebody,make sure you have the facts or it will come back on you.
to squirrel something away - to save it or store it
eg.Some people will buy this product to squirrel it away into a collection
to wolf something down - to eat as quickly as a wolf does (狼吞虎咽)
eg.I wolfed down that sandwich so quickly.
stars in one's eye - someone who has stars in their eyes is very excited and hopeful about the future and imagines they are going to be very successful and famous.
eg.She was a girl with stars in her eyes and dreams of becoming famous.
put somebody on a pedestal - canonize somebody as saint
eg.It's a typical media paradigm:put somebody on a pedestal and then kick it away.
lay it on thick - to make an emotion or experience seem more important or serious than it really is.
eg.He'd injured his hand slightly but he was laying it on a bit thick about how painful it was.
know where one stands - know the situation
eg.One should know where one stands; be clear about what one has and what he doesn't.
no strings attached - without conditions or obligations; without a catch.
eg.For a friend,I'll help out for free,no strings attached.
have a corner on - have a share of
eg.We do not think we have a corner on the best products.