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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 01:08:21
如stop to do sth.等
a bit(of).少量(的);一点
a bottle of.一瓶……
a few.一些;几个
a glass of.一(玻璃)杯……
a kind of.一种;一类
a little.一点;少量
a lot.很;非常
a moment ago.刚才
a moment later.片刻之后
a pair of.一对;一双
a piece of.一片(一张;一块……)
a place of interest.名胜
a shop assistant.售货员;店员
a TV set.一台电视机
a waste of time.浪费(白费)时间
after a while.过了一会儿
after class.课后
after school.放学后;下课后
again and again.再三地;一再地;反复地
agree with.同意意见(想法);符合;一致
all by oneself.独立;单独
all day.一整天;一天到晚
all kinds of.各种各样的
all over.遍及
all right.好;行;不错
all the same.仍然;还是
all the time.一直;始终;老是
all the year round. 一年到头
and so on.等等
any more.再;更
(not)...any more.再也不;不能再
aren't.=are not
as if.好像
as long as.长达……
as soon as.……就……
as soon as possible.尽可能早地;尽快
as usual.像平常一样
as well.也;又;同样地
as...as.与 一样
ask for.请求;询问
at all.(用否定句)一点也不
at breakfast.早餐时
at first.起先;首先
at home.在家
at last.终于;最后
at least.至少;起码
at midnight.在半夜
at night.在晚上;在夜里
at once.立刻;马上
at school.在学校
at sea.在大海上
at the age of在……岁月
at the beginning of……起始;开始
at the end of.在……结尾;到……尽头
at the head of.在……的最前头
at the moment.此刻
at the same time.同时
at times.有时;偶尔
at work.在工作
base on以……(为)根据
be able to.能;会
be afrrald of.害怕
be amazed at对……感到惊讶
be angry witb.对(某人)发脾气
be born.出生于
be busy doing.忙着做……
be excited about对……感到兴奋
be famous for.因……而有名的
be fed up with.厌倦
be filled with用……充满
be full (of).充满……的
be good at.在……方面(学得,做得)好;善于
be interested in.对……感兴趣
be late for.迟到
be made in在……生产或制造
be made of由……组成;由……构成
be pleased with.对……感到满意
be proud of以……自豪(高兴)
be used for.用于
be/get lost.迷失(道路)
be able to.能;会
be afrrald of.害怕
Because of因为 由于
before long.不久以后
beg one's pardon.请原谅;对不起
Begin with以/从……开始
bus station.公共汽车站
by air.乘飞机
by plane.乘飞机
by sea.乘船
by ship.乘船
by the time.到……的时候
by the way.顺便说;顺便问一下
Cape Townn.开普敦(南非共和国港口城市)
carry on.坚持下去;继续下去
catch up with.赶上;追上
CD player.激光唱机
check-outn.(购货时的) 结帐台;收银台
clean up.清除;收拾干净
come along.来;随同
come down.下来;落
come in.进来;进入
come on.来吧;跟着来;赶快
come on.来;过来
come out.出来
come out. (花)开;发(芽);出来;出现
come over.过来;顺便来访
come to oneself.苏醒;恢复知觉
come true.实现
come up with.找到;提出(答案、解决办法等)
coral reef.珊瑚礁
credit card.信用卡
cut down.砍倒
dining roomn.餐厅
do (some) reading.朗读;阅读
do one's best.尽最大努力;尽力
do one's homework.做作业
do well in在……方面干得好
don't.=do not
drop off.放下(某物;下车
each other.互相
eat up.吃光;吃完
enjoy oneself.过得快乐;玩得痛快
even though即使……
ever since.从那时起;此后一直
fall asleep.睡觉;入睡
fall behind.落在( )后面;输给别人
fall down.倒下;跌倒;从……落下
fall off.(从……)掉下
family name.姓
family tree.家谱(图)
far away.很远;遥远
field trip.野外旅游
find out.找出;查出
first of all.首先;第一
for example.例如
from now on.从现在起;今后
get back.回来;取回
get down.下来;落下
get married.结婚
get off.下来;从……下来
get on.上(车)
get on (bus).上车
get on well with.与……相处融洽
get to.到达
get up.起床
give a concert.开音乐会
give birth to.生(孩子)
give up.放弃
give...a hand .给予……帮助
given name.=first name 名字
go back.回去
go boating.去划船
go fishing.去钓鱼
go hiking.去徒步旅行
go home.回家
go on.继续
go on doing(sth).继续做(某事)
go out.外出;到外面
go over.过一遍;仔细检查
go shopping.(去)买东西
go straight along沿着……一直往前走
go to bed.睡觉
go wrong.走错路
grow up.长大;成长
Gum Tree.桉树村
had better(do).最好官(做……)
hand in.交上来
hands up.举手
have a (good) rest.休息
have a cold.(患)感冒
have a cough.(患)咳嗽
have a good time.过得快乐
have a headache.(患)头痛
have a look.看一看
have a seat.坐下;就坐
have a try.尝试;努力
have sports.进行体育活动
have supper.吃晚餐
have to.不得不;必须
hear of.听说
help yourself to.自取;随便吃
here and there.到处;处处
Here you are.给你
high jump.跳高
high school.中学
hold a sports meetin.举行运动会
hold on.(打电话时)等一等;不挂断
Hong Kongn.香港
hot dog.热狗(红肠面包)
hour after hour.一小时又一小时;连续地
How are you?.您(身体)好吗?
How do you do?.您好!
how long.多久
how many.多少
how much.多少;多少钱
human being.人
Hundreds of 成百上千
hurry up.赶快
ice cream.冰淇淋
I'd like.=I would like
I'll.=I will
I'm.=I am
in a hurry.匆忙地
in fact.实际上
in Fnglish.用英语(表达)
in front.前方;正对面
in front of.在……前面
in the day.在白天
in the end.最后
in the future.将来
in the open air.在户外;在野外
in this way.用这种方法
in time.及时
Inner Mongolian.内蒙古
instead of.代替
just now.刚才;不久以前
just then.正在那时
keep doing something.一直做某事
kinds of.各种各样的
knock at.敲(门、窗等)
knock on.敲(门、窗等)
large numbers of.许多
later on.后来;稍后
laugh at.嘲笑
less than.不到;少于
Let me see.让我想想看
let's.=let us 让我们
Let's go.我们一起去
listen to.听
live on.继续存在;继续活着
living roomn.起居室
long jump.跳远
look after.照顾;照看
look at.看;观看
look fro.寻找
look like.看起来像
look out.留神;注意
look over.(仔细)检查
look the same.看起来很像
look up.向上看;抬头看
lot of.许多;很多
lots of.许许多多的
make a decision.作出决定
make a mistake.犯错误
make a noise.吵闹
make faces.做鬼脸;做苦脸
make friends.交朋友
make money.赚钱
make one's way to.往……走去
make phone calls.打电话
make room for.给……腾出地方
make sure.确保;确认;查明
make telephone calls.打电话
make the bed.整理床铺
make up one's mind.下决心
middle school.中学
mobile phone.可移动电话
more and moreadj.越来越……
more or less.多少有点;或多或少
more than.多过;……以上;比……更
morning paper.晨报
Mount Qomolangma.珠穆朗玛峰
multiply...by.... ……乘以……
neck and neck.(竞赛等)并驾齐驱
never mind.没有关系
New Jerseyn.新泽西(美国州名)
New Yorkn.纽约(美国城市)
New Zealandn.新西兰
next to.相邻;靠近
no longer.不再
no matter不论……
not as/so...as.与 不一样
not only ... but als不仅……而且
not...any more.不再
not...at all.一点也不
of courseadv.当然;自然的事
100-metre race.100 米赛跑
on display.陈列;展览
on duty.值日
on earth.在地球上
on foot.走路;步行
on one's way to.在……的途中
on show.展出
on the left/right si.在左/右边
on time.准时
on watch.值班;守望
once upon a time.从前;很早以前
one day.(过去或将来)有一天;某一天
one wayadj.单程的;单行的
open up.开设;开业;开放
out ofprep.从……向外;从……往外
over there.在那边
part-timeadj.非全日工作的 n.业余时间
pass on.传递;转移到
Peking Opera.京剧
pick up.拾起;捡起
play a joke on.戏弄人;对某人恶作剧
point at.指示;指向
point to指向……
post office.邮局
put away.把……收起来(放好)
put off.推迟;拖延
put on.穿上(衣服等);戴上(帽子等)
put on.(戏剧等)上演;放(唱片等)
put up.挂起;举起
quarrel with.(和某人)吵架
queue jumper.不按次序排队的人
rather than宁可;是……而不是
reading room.阅览室
right now.立即
ring up.打电话
run away.逃跑
run away.流失;逃跑;逃走
rush out.冲出去
San Franciscon.旧金山
say goodbye to.告别;告辞
send up发射;把……往上送
set off.出发;动身;启程
set one's mind to do一心想做……
shopping list.购物单
show down.减缓;减速
shut down把……关上
sit down.坐下
so far.到目前为止
so that.以便;以致
sooner or later.迟早
South Africa.南非
speak higly of.称赞
Spring Festival.春节
stand in line.站(在)队(里)
starting/finishing line.起跑/终点线
steering wheel.驾驶盘
table tennis.乒乓球
take a seat.坐下;就座
take an active part.积极参加
take care of.照顾;照料;注意
take exereise.做运动
take off.脱衣服
take off.脱下(衣、帽、鞋等)
take one's place.坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务
take out.取出
take photos.照像
take time.花费(时间)
take turns.轮流
take/leave a message.捎/留口信
take-awayadj.& n.可拿走的(熟食)
talk about.谈论;交谈
talk with.和……交谈
teach oneself.自学
Terra Cotta Warriors.兵马俑
thanks to.由于;幸亏
the day after tomott.后天
the day before yeste.前天
the Great Hall of th.人民大会堂
the Great Wall.长城
the more,the better.越多越好
the Olympic Games.奥林匹克运动会
the Palace Museum.故宫博物院
the same as ....和……相同
the Summer Palace.颐和园
think about.考虑
think of.认为;想起
This way,please.请走这边
throw about.乱丢;抛散
to one's surprise.令(某人)惊讶
trip over.(被……)绊倒
try on.试穿(衣服、鞋);试戴(帽子
try out.试验;尝试
turn down.关小;调低
turn off.关(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等)
turn on.打开(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等)
up and down.上上下下;来来回回
used to.过去常常
very much.很;非常
wait for.等候
waiting room.等候室;候诊(车、机)室
wake up.醒来;唤醒
watch TV.看电视
wear out.把……穿旧;磨坏
well done.做得好
What about...?.(询问消息,征求意见)怎么样?好不好?
what's.=what is
work out.算出;制定出
write down.写下……,记下……
writing brush.毛笔
Young Pioneer.少先队员