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完形填空第26 和第30个 21 Wednesday evening,we must go to the Town Ha

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:51:34
第26 和第30个
21 Wednesday evening,we must go to the Town Hall (礼堂).It was the 22 day of the year and there were a great number of 23 under the Town Hall clock.It would strike 24 in twenty minutes time.Fifteen minutes passed and then,at five 25__ twelve,the clock stopped.The 2 6 minute hand did not move.We waited and waited,but 27 happened.Suddenly someone shouted (喊),"It's two minutes past twelve!The clock has stopped!" I 28 my watch.It was true.The big clock 29 to welcome (欢迎) the New Year.At that moment everybody began to _ 30 .
21.A In B At C On D By
22.A first B second C third D last
23.A people B children C students D women
24.A one B six C twelve D sixty
25.A past B to C of D from
26.A big B small C short D thin
27.A everything B something C anything D nothing
28.A saw B watcher C looked at D noticed
29.A were glad B were ready C refused (拒绝) D wished (希望)
30.A sing and dance (跳舞) B cry C go home D talk to themselves
再问: 我问的是26和30 请最好附上具体解释哦
再答: 26 A 这个大分针不动了的意思,钟很大,分钟也很大。 30 A 上文The big clock were ready to welcome the New Year了,开始迎接新年到来,很明显应该是唱歌跳舞了。用排除法也可以选择出来。