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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 07:59:43
深夜,Manor Farm中的动物们悄悄的集合在谷仓,并用各自的方式坐下聆听Old Major讲述ㄧ个崭新的生命观—动物们应该从人类手中夺回自由与主权,尽管他们听得一知半解,却仍在心中埋下了革命的种子.
在Old Major死后,较聪明的动物们领会了Old Major的智慧.其中就属Snowball和Napoleon最为出色,另外还有食用猪之中最出名的Squealer,这三只猪自然而然的就担任起领导人的角色.
他们以Old Major的言论发展成「动物主义」,并陆续向其他动物们宣扬其理念,那些打从出生就为人类奴役的动物们起初总是问些令人又气又好笑的问题,像是:「If this Rebellion is to happen anyway,what difference does it make whether we work for it or not?」除了要努力说服动物们,他们还要扑灭Moses到处造谣的谎言.只有Boxer和Clover这两批高头大马是最为忠实的追随者,并ㄧ直积极响应革命.
深夜,Manor Farm中的动物们悄悄的集合在谷仓,并用各自的方式坐下聆听Old Major讲述ㄧ个崭新的生命观—动物们应该从人类手中夺回自由与主权,尽管他们听得一知半解,却仍在心中埋下了革命的种子.
Deep in the night, animals in the Manor Farm gathered in the garner quietly and sat in their own manners, listening to the old Major telling a absolutely new view of life----animals should seize back the freedom and sovereignty from the human begings. Though they couldn't completely understand, the seeds of revolution were planted in their hearts.
在Old Major死后,较聪明的动物们领会了Old Major的智慧.其中就属Snowball和Napoleon最为出色,另外还有食用猪之中最出名的Squealer,这三只猪自然而然的就担任起领导人的角色.
After old Major’s death, some cleverer animals comprehended his wisdom, among which Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer, the most well-known food pig, are the most excellent. They three naturally played the leading role.
他们以Old Major的言论发展成「动物主义」,并陆续向其他动物们宣扬其理念,那些打从出生就为人类奴役的动物们起初总是问些令人又气又好笑的问题,像是:「If this Rebellion is to happen anyway, what difference does it make whether we work for it or not?」除了要努力说服动物们,他们还要扑灭Moses到处造谣的谎言.只有Boxer和Clover这两批高头大马是最为忠实的追随者,并ㄧ直积极响应革命.
They developed the Animalism on basis of old Major’s words and advocated their ideas for other animals. Those animals born as human’s slaves always asked some annoyed and funny questions at the beginning, just like 「If this Rebellion is to happen anyway, what difference does it make whether we work for it or not?」Apart from persuading animals, they had to extinguish lies made by Moses everywhere. However, the two tall horses, Boxer and Clover, were the most loyal followers and reponded actively to the revolution.
尽管大家都深知革命是迟早的,但要不是后来Mr. Jones怠忽职守让动物们饿着了,动物们也不会临时起意的造反,让革命发生得这么快.那ㄧ夜,出于本能的求生,动物们无所不惧的冲出围栏,并凶猛的把人类都赶出庄园.
Although everyone knew the revolution was sure to happen, but for Mr Jones’s slackness starving animals, they might not rebel so accidently, making the revolution break out so fast. At that night, to seek survival, animals rushed out of the rails without fear and threw humans out of the manor fiercly.
They felt overjoyed for the smooth success. It was their first time (also the only chance) to taste the freedom. They encircled the farm which belonged to themselves incredibly and discarded the things made by the human. Finnaly they renamed the Manor Farm as Animal Manor and began to proclaim the Seven Commandments centered to the Animalism.
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