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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:39:48
“由于……”的英语表达法 英语中,用于表示“由于……”意义的方法比较多,除原因状语从句外,还有介词短语、成语介词、不定式短语、分词短语、形容词短语,独立主格结构等.现分述如下,供大家参考. I.介词短语--介词十名词或代词 1. with:表原因时,多指心理、生理或顺乎自然规律的原因.(1) He jumped with joy. 他高兴得跳起来.(2) shiver with cold 冷得发抖(3) be down with fever 发热病倒 2.through:表原因时,常指消极原因,或抱怨的口气,有时也可指正面原因.(4) mistakes made through carelessness由于粗心大意而造成的错误(5) That was all done through friendship.那样做完全是出于友爱. 3.from:表示原因、动机.(6) lots of people suffered from hunger in thosedays.在那些日子里,许多人都挨过饿.(7) He felt very weak from lack of sleep.由于缺少睡眠,他感觉很虚弱. 4.out of (接近from):出于,由于(8) They have done that out of concern for thechildren. 他们这样做是出于对孩子们的关怀. 5.for:由于,因为(9) If it weren't for the leadership of the Communist Party,our happy life today would be simplyimpossible. 没有共产党的领导,就不可能有我们今天的幸福生活.(10) The West Lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以风景优美而著名. 6.at:可以跟在动词、形容词或过去分词之后表原因 .(11) We rejoiced at every victory you won.我们为你取得的每一个成就感到欢欣鼓舞.(12) She felt glad at what he had said.她为他所说的话而感到高兴.(13) He was delighted at the idea of going toEngland.他一想到要去英国就感到高兴. II. 成语介词 1.because of:因为、由于,常用作状语.(14) The football match was cancelled because of rain.由于下雨,足球赛取消了. 2.on account of 比because of更正式,多用于书面语中.(15) We have to give up our plan on account of your objection.由于你的反对,我们不得不放弃计划.(16) That was on account of the lack of exercises. 那是由于缺乏锻炼所致. 3. by(或in)virtue of,由于,因为(多用于书面语).(17)He passed the examination by virtue of hard work. 由于努力工作,他通过了考试. 4.due to:在标准英语中,due to构成的介词短语常用来作表语,而现在,due to短语也可以用作状语.(18) His failure was due to carelessness. 他的失败是由于粗心大意.(19) The flight was cancelled due to the fog.班机因雾停航. 5.owing to:构成的短语作状语,既能指积极的原因,也可指消极的原因.(20) Owing to our joint efforts,the task was ful-filled ahead of schedule. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了.(状语,表积极原因) 6.thanks to:由于,多亏,常用于书面语,多表示正面情况,间或也表示反面情况.(21) thanks to your hlep,we finished the task intime. 由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了任务.(22) Thanks to the bad weather,our journey wasvery uncomfortable. 由于天气不好,我们的旅行很不舒服. 7.as a result of:由于……结果(23) As a result of this interview,the number wasreduced to two. 这次面试的结果,人数减至两名. 8.in(或as) consequence of:由于--的缘故,用于书面语.(24) In consequence of his ill health,he lost the opportunity. 由于身体欠佳,他失去了这次机会. 9.in view of:书面语,由于,鉴于(25) in view of these facts,it seemed useless to continue. 由这些事实看来,继续下去似乎是无效的. 10.what with...and(what with)... 半因...,半因...;一方面由于..,一方面由于...,表示两方面原因.(26) What with over work and what with hunger, John fell ill.一半由于工作过度,一半由于饥饿,约翰病倒了. III. 不定式短语 不定式短语可以用在作表语的形容词或过去分词后面作状语,说明产生这种情绪的原因.(27)We are proud to be youg people of New China. 作为新中国的肯年:我们感到自豪.(28) We were surprised to find him there. 看到他在那里, 我们感到很惊奇. IV 分词短语 分词短语可作状语表示原因,分词的逻辑主语是句子的主语.1. 现在分词短语(29) Not knowing her address, we could not gettouch with her. 由于不知道她的地址,我们无法和她联系.(30) Many of us, being so excited, could not goto sleep that night. 我们很多人是那样激动,那天晚上都没有睡着. 2. 过去分词短语也可以用作状语表原因(31) He soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey. 由于旅途劳累,他很快就睡着了(32) Moved by their speech,we were momentarilyat a loss what to say. 他们的活使我们很感动.一时不知道说什么好… V. 形容词短语表原因 (33) Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road. 由于害怕困难,他们就拣容易的路走.(34) Unable to find words to express themselves,they silently grasped our hands.因一时找不出表达的言辞,他们默默地紧握着我们的手. VI. 复合结构 1. 独立主格结构:由名词(或代同)+分同(或形容词、个定式、介同短语、副词等)构成.可以用来作原因状语. (35) John being away,Henry had to do thework. 由于约翰不在.只好由亨利来做这个工作.(36) When she was fifty she retired, her healthhaving been impaired by years of over work. 她五十岁时退休厂.(因为)多年劳累把她的身体搞垮了. 2.介词with有时跟一个复合结构,作用与独立结构差个多,也可用于表原因.(37)He felt more uneasy with the whole classstaring at him. 全班都盯着他瞧,他更感到不自在了.