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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/01 11:17:18
在现代企业管理中,人力资源管理已渗透到企业的各个岗位,已成为管理重中之重。随着时代的不断进步,企业的生存面临着来自外部及内部的巨大的压力。一方面市场优胜劣汰竞争的压力,迫使企业提高产品产量的同时,质量也保持最优,以此保持企业的连续发展,这就要求企业必须提高生产营运水平,如何提高?无外乎两种办法:其一,提高企业装备水平,这只能解决暂时的问题,要想长远打算,只能是第二种办法,即 :加强企业管理提高经济效益,企业的发展归根到底,就是要不断提高员工素质,进而发展企业,就要求的管理理论不断的完善和发展,管理理念不断的更新和转变。根据掌握的知识,结合对多家企业的调研,对人本管理在企业各个环节的应用及作用,进行了分析。分析人本管理的内涵,人本管理的核心及人本管理的系统工程、管理机制。论述了管理发展到以人为中心的管理的过程。
In the modern enterprise management, human resources management has penetrated into the enterprise in various positions, has become a management priority. As time progresses, the survival of enterprises from external and internal facing tremendous pressure. On the one hand the market survival of the fittest competition, pressure on enterprises to improve product yield, while maintaining optimal quality, in order to maintain continuous business development, which requires enterprises must improve the level of production operations, how to improve? Nothing less than the two approaches: first, increase level of equipment, which can only solve the problem temporarily, to a long-term plan, only the second approach, namely: strengthening the management to improve economic efficiency, the development of enterprises in the final analysis is to continuously improve the quality of the staff, the development of enterprises, requires the management theory of continuous improvement and development, management philosophy of continuous updates and changes. Based on that knowledge, combined with the investigation of many enterprises, the management of people in all aspects of enterprise application and effect, were analyzed. The meaning of human management, people management and people management core systems engineering management. Discusses the management of human-centered development to the management of the process.
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