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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:53:41
1 想让某人做某事 want sb to do sth
The teachers want us to study hard 老师们想让我们努力学习
2 ...足够...去做某事 主+be+adj+enough+to do sth
I am clever enough to work out this problem by myself.我足够聪明去独立解决这个问题
3 危险中in danger
The police can help the people in danger.警察会帮助处于危险中的人.
4 与某人争吵argue with sb
We cannot argue with classmates in class.我们在教室内不能与同学争吵.
5 电话喊某人起床call sb up
Please call me up tomorrow morning.明天早晨请电话喊我起床.
6 自...借borrow from
I borrowed a book from my father yesterday.我昨天向爸爸借了本书.
7 借给lend to
I lent ten dollars to my good friend.我借十美金给我的好朋友
8 为...付款pay for
I paid ten dollars for this bill 我买单花了10美金.
9 需要做某事need to do sth
I need to work hard.我需要努力工作
10 给些建议give some advice
My teacher gave some advice to me yesterday昨天我的老师给了我一些建议.
11 发现 find out
The science found out this about one hundred years ago.大约100年前,科学就发现了这个.
12 失控 beyond one’s control
In realistic life,we must keep our minds so prepared for things beyond our control as to cope efficiently with them later on.现实生活中,我们必须为那些不可控制的事件做好准备,以便随后能有效地应对
13.减轻压力(负担) to lighten one’s load
The core of the issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers is to lighten the farmers’ load and increase their income “三农” 问题的核心就是要减轻农民负担,提高农民收入
14 牢记,记住 to keep sth.in mind
As PLA men,we should keep in mind our sacred mission — getting ready to give our lives for the national dignity 作为军人,我们应该牢记我们的神圣使命 — 时刻准备为民族的尊严而献身
15.除其他······之外 among other things
It goes without saying that a peaceful and stable environment,among other things,proves to be of vital importance for China 不言而喻,除其他因素之外,一个和平稳定的环境对中国至关重要
16.把 ······ 归因于 ······ to attribute… to…
Some people wrongly attribute success to good luck,but the truth is that hard work is the key to success 一些人把成功错误地归因于运气,但事实是:刻苦努力是成功的关键
17.看重/强调 ······ give emphasis to…
In the course of children’s growth,we should give as much emphasis to the cultivation of their love for others as to their intellectual development.在孩子的成长过程中,我们应把对孩子的爱心培养和智力发展看得同等重要
18.确定优先做的事情 to set one’s priorities
Whatever you do,priorities should be set because it is unwise to try to attend to big and small matters all at once 无论做什么事情都应该有个轻重缓急,因为眉毛胡子一把抓是不明智的