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英语翻译The management of customer churn,or turnover,is a top pr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:17:35
The management of customer churn,or turnover,is a top priority of executives in service industries such as retail banking and telecommunications.It is accepted wisdom in marketing that new customer acquisition is a far more costly undertaking than establishing a broader and deeper relationship with existing customers (see,e.g.,Heskett et al.,1994; Reicheld and Sasser,1990; Rust et al.,1995).Hence,in general the loss of a customer should be viewed with concern by banks and telecommunications firms,both being examples of longer-term relational services requiring the establishment of a formal relationship between customer and firm.
Evidence for the rising recognition of the importance of customer churn to firm profitability is easily found in these industries.For example,recent research by Teradata (2004) demonstrates that US bankers are quite aware of this problem:79% of survey respondents (out of a total of 101 bank executives from financial institutions with assets of $25 billion or more) indicated that ‘‘preventing customer churn is the key competitive issue for American bankers in 2004.’’ Similarly,the telecommunications industry,and wireless carriers in particular,have had to concentrate significant efforts on customer retention:Carroll (2002) quotes a Yankee Group report stating that from about 20–80% of annualized wireless subscribers churned in 2001,depending upon the carrier; more recent numbers for the US telecommunications industry show that only about a quarter of customers want to continue their current
telecom relationship (Myron,2004).Indeed,the difficulty in predicting customer churn is well known (Carroll,2002; Teradata,2004; Dropping,2005).Examination of the academic literature also supports the
significance of examining churn or retention in these industries (e.g.,Bell et al.,2005; Evans,2002; Gustafsson et al.,2005; Lee and Cunningham,2001).While extant studies recognize a degree of inertia in the telecommunications and retail finance sectors,due to switching costs (e.g.,Bell et al.,2005),there is also significant interest in examining factors that enhance customer retention or reduce customer churn in these industries (e.g.,Gustafsson et al.,2005).
客户管理的流失,或营业额,是一个服务性行业管理的首要任务,如零售银行和电信.这是接受市场的智慧吸纳新客户,是比建立一个与现有客户的广泛和更深入的关系更为昂贵的承诺(见,例如,赫斯克特等.,1994; Reicheld和Sasser,1990;锈病等.,1995 ).因此,在一般的客户流失应被视为与银行和电信公司的关注,较长的例子,都被长期关系的服务,需要一个客户与公司之间的正式关系的建立.
电信关系(迈伦,2004).事实上,在预测客户流失的困难是众所周知的(卡莱尔,2002年; Teradata数据,2004年下降,2005年).学术文献的研究也支持