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萨达姆被捕 阿拉伯世界看法种种
Arabs Have Mixed Emotions About Saddam Capture
Sun Dec 14,11:58 AM ET
CAIRO (Reuters) - Arabs greeted the capture of Saddam Hussein with divided emotions Sunday, welcoming the arrest of a dictator yet tinged with regret that a symbol of Arab defiance against the United States was behind bars.
【参考译文】开罗,路透社- 在萨达姆本周日被生擒的消息传出来以后,阿拉伯世界喜忧参半,感到欢喜的同时,也夹杂这淡淡的忧愁,因为萨达姆被捕象征着阿拉伯世界对美国的反抗受到了很大打击.
【讲解】从divide的字面意思来看,似乎很难有恰当的对应翻译语,其实想想平时我们在日常生活中有时也会也悲喜交加的情景,divide在这里的意思就不难理解了.它在这里指的是一种 conflicting interests, emotions, or activities( 抵触的兴趣、感情或活动).如:divided loyalties.抵触的忠诚.
Tinge, to apply a trace of color to, tint.给…着上少量的色彩;使…带上色彩.The maple leaves are tinge with autumn red.枫叶染上了秋天的红色.
习惯用语behind bars意思是在监狱服刑,在此处可以理解为被暂时克制.和bar相关的还有一个习惯用语The prisoner at the bar,指的是在法庭中受审者.
Some feared Saddam's capture would boost President Bush, "It is happy news but we wish it were the Iraqi people who had captured him, not U.S. troops, because this will give Bush a boost in the upcoming election," said a Bahraini salesman.
【讲解】upcoming, Occurring soon, forthcoming.很快会出现的;即将到来的.
For others, the capture was disappointing news. Saddam may have been seen as a dictator who oppressed his people, but many also saw him as the only Arab leader who stood up to the United States, which they said rode roughshod through the region. "Of course it's bad news. To us, Saddam was a symbol of defiance to the U.S. plans in the region. And we support any person who stands in the face of the American dominance," said a member of Jordan's parliament.
【讲解】stand up to 是个习惯用语,有两层意思,一是指勇敢地抵抗,本文就是用的这个意思;另一个意思是经得住.分别举例(1)it was brave of her to stood up to those bullies.反抗那些恃强凌弱的人,真勇敢.(2)this cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.这种布料十分耐用.
ride roughshod over, 残暴地对待,横行霸道.a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition.对所有反对意见不予理睬的经理;roughshod reign,无人道的统治.
Others said the U.S. success might prove fleeting, saying Iraqis were not fighting for Saddam but for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Palestinians were in somber mood that the United States, perceived as providing unswerving support for Israel, "this is a black day in history" said a taxi driver in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
【讲解】fleeting,Passing quickly; ephemeral.飞逝的、短暂的.fleeting passions of fantasy.一闪而过的幻想激情.
unswerving ;Constant ,steady.不懈的、坚定的.Unswerving allegiance. 不渝的忠诚;unswerving devotion.始终不变的奉献.
不同的文化赋予同一种颜色的涵义有时相同或相似,也有可能截然相反.黑色在本文中表示的是Cheerless and depressing, gloomy( 愠怒的不高兴的,抑闷的,忧愁的)的涵义.如:black thoughts.忧郁的想法.