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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:46:01
Speech: Meet the assessment carried forward the spirit of good appearance (high school)
Dear teacher, my dear fellow students:
Good morning, everyone! Today I want to lecture is entitled: Meet the assessment carried forward the spirit of good character.
Last week, I ushered in the Guangdong province school to high school teaching level evaluation of experts, they told me the school conducted a two-day semi-level assessment of teaching. In the meantime, they go to the classroom, know my school classroom teaching conditions; discussions with the students, asking schools and students studying and living conditions; to observe the school-based electives and student associations of the exciting activities, etc. ... ... In the process, they told me the school's teaching philosophy, teaching level, school ethos style of study, teachers and other students of the mental outlook that many projects were studied and given a high appraisal. This weekend, from the teacher and that piece of news came just President also announced the good news, that is: The assessment of the level of teaching, I have received high scores for the school, classroom to achieve excellent rate of a rare high score, I have standard of teaching in schools has been assessed as "excellent." I think that this result is due to all the teachers and students of the perseverance and the efforts!
Still remember the first time this term on the flag-raising ceremony, Kung says college entrance examination in their school success and educational achievements, they go all out to meet the proposed standard of teaching evaluation. Today is the ninth week of the semester, but the principal has been standing on the flag for the fourth time on the podium, principals from all levels, from different angles and mobilize and encourage all students to meet ready. We see that on campus "School Wing I Wing," a stronger sense of identity, and to seriously study and work atmosphere thicker, and more stringent requirements the students themselves, teachers, teaching methods and content are more innovative, there are instructive. As a third year fellow student of mine put it, indeed, we made: to the best deep-level assessment of teaching outside the meet.
Last Thursday to assess the officially began, the teachers face "new look": neat uniform dress suit, white shirt, straight pants, looked grace Sassou, gives people a sense of rigorous scholarly research. Students also put their own self-confidence, lively, civilized, generous spirit revealed itself, on the campus, students can be seen everywhere busy and orderly figure, I heard the voice of students to teachers greet each other. Morning Reading when the sound of loud reading the book; the classroom, teachers are impassioned lectures, passion, and they are concise, easily comprehensible, making a perfect match fine courseware; students were also actively interact with the teachers seriously and lectures, and a positive answer questions, lively discussion, we enjoy it very fruitful; in a number of display of the classroom, students are even more confident to show their work, findings, research results, classroom atmosphere was very active in teaching results unusual .
Through the assessment, we see that the campus has undergone significant changes: the mental outlook has become more good rapport between teachers and students more classroom teaching to become more efficient. If every day is like the standard of teaching assessment, as carried out, perhaps a bit tired, but the effect is undoubtedly the best.
So ultimately, I want to say that the standard of teaching assessment, we reached "scored well", the school jubilant; but our assessment, we also understand that we usually study, work, life there is still much room for improvement , could be better. Therefore, I would like to make an initiative: I hope that Meet the assessment of all students to carry forward the spirit of good style, intention to learn, improve performance, and work hard to improve their overall quality, actively participate in classroom teaching, to participate in school activities, in order to deep a better future outside the struggle unceasingly!
Thank you!
【译文】演讲稿:发扬迎评精神,保持良好风貌(高中生)  尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们:  大家早上好!今天我要演讲的题目是:发扬迎评精神,保持良好风貌.  上周,我校迎来了广东省普通高中教学水平评估的专家们,他们对我校进行了为期两天半的教学水平评估.在此期间,他们深入课堂,了解我校课堂的教学状况;与同学们座谈,询问学校情况和同学们的学习生活状况;观摩学校的校本选修课和学生社团的各项精彩活动等等……在这过程中,他们对我校的教学理念、教学水平、校风学风、老师同学们的精神风貌等很多项目进行了考察,并给予了很高的评价.本周末,从老师那传来了喜悦的消息,刚才校长也宣布了这个好消息,那就是:这次的教学水平评估,我校获得了高分,课堂优良率取得了罕见的高分,我校的教学水平被评定为“优秀”.我认为,这一成果的取得正是得益于全体老师和同学们的坚持和努力!  还记得本学期的第一次升旗仪式上,龚校长在介绍学校的高考佳绩和办学成就时,就提出了全力以赴迎接教学水平评估.今天是本学期的第九周,但是校长已经是第四次站在升旗的主席台上了,校长从各个层面、各个角度动员和鼓励全体师生为迎接做好准备.我们看到,校园里“校荣我荣”的认同感更强了,认真学习工作的氛围更浓了,同学们更加严格要求自己,老师们的教学方法和内容也更加新颖、有启发性.正如一位高三学长所说的那样,我们的确做到了:以最好的深外迎接教学水平评估.  上周四,评估正式开始了,老师们的面貌“焕然一新”:整齐统一的西装礼服,雪白的衬衣,笔直的西裤,显得风姿飒爽,给人一种治学严谨的感觉.同学们也把自己的自信、活泼、文明、大方的精神风貌展现出来,在校园里,随处可见同学们忙碌而有序的身影,听见同学老师相互问好的声音.早读时,书声琅琅;课堂上,老师们讲课慷慨激昂,激情澎湃,与他们简明扼要、深入浅出、制作精细的课件配合得天衣无缝;同学们也积极地与老师互动,认真听课,积极回答问题,热烈开展讨论,大家乐在其中、收获很大;在一些展示性的课堂上,同学们更是自信地展示出自己的作品、调查结果、研究成果等,课堂气氛十分活跃,教学效果非同一般.  通过评估,我们看到校园里发生了显著变化:精神风貌变得更加良好,师生之间变得更加融洽,课堂教学变得更加高效.倘若每一天都像教学水平评估时那样进行,也许会累一点,但效果无疑是最好的.  所以,最后我想说,教学水平评估,我们达到了“高分通过”的目标,全校喜气洋洋;但通过评估,我们也了解到我们平时的学习、工作、生活等方面还有很多可以改进的地方,可以做得更好.因此,我想提出一个倡议:希望全体同学发扬迎评精神,保持良好的风貌,用心学习、提高成绩,努力工作、提高自身的综合素质,积极参与课堂教学,参与学校的各项活动,为了深外更加美好的明天而奋斗不息!  谢谢大家!