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英语翻译摘 要个人所得税是对个人(即自然人)取得的各项应税所得征收的一种税.它不仅能缩小个人收入差距,缓解社会分配不公的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:05:26
摘 要
个人所得税是对个人(即自然人)取得的各项应税所得征收的一种税.它不仅能缩小个人收入差距,缓解社会分配不公的矛盾,而且在调节社会经济发展速度,增加国家财政收入等方面都有着积极的促进作用.综观世界各个市场经济国家,个人所得税都是最重要的税种之一,是第一大税.但是个人所得税在我国却被人们看作是 “中国税收第一难”,税款流失极其严重.探讨我国个人所得税流失严重的原因并提出相应的解决措施是本文的立意所在.
Personal income tax is each item that obtains to the individual(namely natural person) in response to a kind of tax of tax income imposition.It not only can narrow personal income margin,alleviate a society to assign an unjust antinomy,and is regulating the social economy development speed,increase national public finance income etc.s to all have to actively promote a function.Taking a comprehensive view of each market economy in the world is national,personal income tax is the all the most important tax to grow of a,is the biggest tax.But personal income tax is in the our country but be seen by people make is "Chinese the revenue from tax first is difficult",the tax dues runs off very severity.Inquire into our personal income tax running off serious reason and put forward homologous solution measure is a textual purpose place.
This text is divided into three parts,the first part introduces the development present condition of our country personal income tax and runs off a circumstance and commences from here,at the second part analyzed to result in in detail our country personal income tax run off a problem severity of various reason.Combining points out that its main reason is an our country a revenue from tax system of not perfect.The third part is a textual core,namely according to the second part elaborate of the reason put forward to correspond a ground of perfect personal income tax system of suggestion measure.
Keyword:Personal income tax;The revenue from tax runs off;Tax rate
英语翻译摘 要个人所得税是对个人(即自然人)取得的各项应税所得征收的一种税.它不仅能缩小个人收入差距,缓解社会分配不公的 个人所得税是按分段计税的方法纳税的,个人收入超出2000元的部分为应税所得额,应纳税所得额不超过500元 陈叔叔一个月劳务报酬所得为2000元按规定个人收入超过1600元的部分,应按照5%的税率征收个人所得税,陈 下列各项中,以取得的收入为应纳税所得额直接计征个人所得税的有( ). 使用社会主义初级阶段收入分配理论,对现实经济生活中个人收入差距的现象进行分析 按照个人所得税法规定,每月的个人收入超过800元的部分应按照5%的税率征收个人所得税,小刚的父亲本月缴纳个人所得税是85 某演员取得一次性的演出收入22000元,按规定应实行加成征收办法计算个人所得税,(判断是对还错)? 每个月的个人收入超过1600元的部分应按5%的税率征收个人所得税 个人收入中减去个人所得税和非税支付,加上政府对个人的转移支付,就得出个人收入.那么其中的非税支付是... 个人所得税的征税对象不仅包括个人还包括具有自然人性质的企业?对错? 王老师11月份的工资是3000元,按照个人所得税法规定,个人的约收入超过1600元的部分,应按照5%的税率征收个人所得税 个人所得税是按分段计税的方法纳税的,个人收入超出2000元的部分为应税所得额,应纳税所得额不超过500元的