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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 14:33:33
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1.2 General Introduction
The Applied Mathematics program at the University of Calgary prepares students to use mathematics to quantify and solve problems which arise in all areas of human endeavour. Applied Math students develop knowledge based upon analysis, algebra, geometry and mathematic principles associated with physics, computation and numerical analysis, allowing them a greater understanding of those areas of mathematics that have proven the most useful in solving real world problems or seem to offer promise for present problems.
Applied mathematics is a broad field which historically emphasized theoretical physics and physical problems, giving deeper understanding of the physical world and enabling accurate predictions of physical phenomena. Although physics problems ranging from fluids to quantum systems remain a significant part of applied mathematics, the field has grown to include a wide variety of subjects – biomathematics, cryptography, scientific computation, mathematical modelling, economics, financial mathematics, operations research and engineering.
2.Why take this program?(Purpose)
Applying yourself
Do you enjoy being challenged? Critical thinking is an extensive and integral part of every course in the Applied Mathematics program. It is a process in which applied mathematics majors learn to keep clearly in mind the precise nature of the mathematical objects defined, exactly what conclusions can be drawn, the logical progression of reaching them, and how they may relate in a consistent manner to real-world problems. This ability to identify key factors and apply appropriate methods in problem solving is a valuable asset in any work environment and can help build a successful career.
3.What coures will I study?
In your first year you will obtain the basic mathematical skills required in all science and engineering disciplines, including Applied Math by taking courses such as:
calculus: calculating with continuous quantities linear methods: solving systems of equations via systematic techniques computer science: basic knowledge of computers and programming
Your second year builds on the basic skills learned in first year, and introduces you to the calculus of several variables, vector spaces, more advanced ideas about matrices, and a calculus based first course in probability and statistics. Your first course in differential equations should also be taken in the second year.
In your third and fourth years you will take courses in analysis, a study of the mathematical foundations of calculus and an investigation of advanced results, including proofs, which extend and amplify the beginning calculus material of the first and second years. For breadth and strength in your subject you will take required courses in complex variables, numerical analysis, partial differential equations, and a third course in linear algebra. Other required courses include a choice between abstract algebra and a second course in mathematical statistics plus.
4.What area they can be empolyed?
I:The finance industry demands recruits with strong quantitative skills and this course is intended to prepare you for careers in the area. The course provides training for those who seek a career specialising in derivative securities, investment, risk management and hedge funds. It also provides research skills for those who wish to subsequently pursue an academic career at doctoral level, particularly those wishing to pursue further and advanced studies in mathematical finance.
II: The work of mathematicians falls into two broad classes -- theoretical (pure) mathematics and applied mathematics. These classes, however, are not sharply defined and often overlap. The world is full of places to do rigorous mathematics. As you begin to identify potential outlets for your talent, it may be useful to get a sense of the dimensions of the 'field' in its entirety. Business, industry, and government use mathematical expertise, often in the context of applications. However, the job titles often do not include the word "mathematics" or "mathematician," but do involve significant use of mathematics and/or quantitative reasoning.

For people with advanced degrees in mathematics, careers involve development of new mathematical methods and theories and application to almost every area of science, engineering, industry and business. Those who major in mathematics in undergraduate institutions find a broad variety of opportunities. Some use their mathematical training directly and some use their training in rigorous thinking and analysis indirectly to solve problems in the business sector. Many of the contributions and uses of mathematics are closely related to the need for mathematical modeling and simulation of physical phenomena on the computer. In addition, the analysis and control of processes, and optimization and scheduling of resources use significant mathematics. For example, the finance industry uses sophisticated mathematical models for pricing of securities, while the petroleum industry models the flow of oil in underground rock formations to help in oil recovery. Image processing, whether producing clear pictures from satellite imagery or making medical images (CAT, MRI) to detect and diagnose, all use significant mathematics. Industrial design, whether structural components for airplanes or automobile parts, uses a tremendous amount of mathematical modeling; much of which is embodied in CAD/CAM computer software. Such techniques were used in the design of the Boeing 777, as well as in the design of automobiles. Computational modeling is also used in airplane and automobile design to analyze the flow of air over vehicles to determine fuel economy and efficiency.

The use of mathematics is pervasive in modern industry.
The result is that mathematicians are found in almost every sector of the job market, including engineering research, telecommunications, computer services and software, energy systems, computer manufacturers, aerospace and automotive, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and government laboratories, among others.
Problem -- A firm wanted to decide statistically with a given confidence level what is the most it can lose over a given time interval. There are several methods to compute this value, the most precise of which tends to be very time-consuming -- requiring on the order of hours or maybe days to run on a computer, which makes it not feasible for a bank. The challenge is to come up with a quick analytical way to estimate this so-called value at risk.
Process -- In order to do this, we drew upon techniques from stochastic processes, differential equations, and also Fourier analysis because we implement a Fast Fourier Transform and we used complex arithmetic in its implementation. Results -- The analysis resulted in a complete distribution of the firm's future portfolio values. For instance, in one day or five days the full worth of the portfolio could vary by +$50 million to -$7 million or less. We assigned a probability to each of these states. Coming up with such probabilities rigorously involved some fairly interesting mathematics at that level, and it involved other people from the group and collaboration with people overseas. Part of the result of this work was a paper, and it is something that ultimately will get incorporated into our company's product, which is software. In addition, it allowed us to do some interesting research.
Problem -- The goal is to develop a methodology to reduce sonic boom in aircraft design. Process -- We use computational fluid dynamics and a computational code to study the flow over the geometry of an aircraft. Once the solution is obtained, we use visualization tools to look at the physical flow field over the aircraft. We use a color monitor, called the work station, to bring the solution up visually. For example, if you want to look at the surface pressure of an aircraft we identify a blue color with the lower pressure, and a red color for the higher pressure. So by looking at the gradients of the color changes we understand the pressure on the surface of the aircraft. From this we understand a little bit more about the physics. Results -- Once we have experience with this problem, we start the design phase using computational fluid dynamics codes and changing the shape of the aircraft. Bit by bit we get to what we want to achieve, a reduction in the sonic boom.
Applications :
The spectrum of the field is perhaps best illustrated by observing the role of mathematics as it applies to different products. Aerosol Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), like the freon used in aerosol cans and air conditioning systems, could destroy stratospheric ozone, which protects the earth from biologically damaging ultraviolet radiation. Mathematical models, simulations and the numerical solution of a special set of differential equations, called "stiff" differential equations, are used to identify safer replacements from the members of hydrohalocarbon (HHC) family.
Oil Rig
Accurate models of oil reservoirs, including the simulations of oil and water moving through porous rock, sometimes covering hundreds of acres, are used by the petroleum industry to make decisions on where to drill. These problems are solved by reducing complex multidimensional differential equations to a sequence of simpler one-dimensional problems that are solved numerically
Operations research is used throughout the airline industry to make sure seats are sold and the airlines make money. Yield management, including mathematical models, optimization techniques, and probability calculations, is used for setting up automated reservation systems and complex systems of connecting routes.

Communications Satellite
Models based on computing solutions to partial differential equations are used to solve problems in signal processing and filtering of noise.

The design of a circuit uses the concept of a graph, like a schematic map, with lines, called edges and intersections, called nodes. Systematic searches of the nodes are used to determine the most efficient connection from one node to another.

The design of an aircraft requires computational fluid dynamics, partial differential equations, and grid generation on complex geometries.
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