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关于一篇英语阅读It was very cold.It snowed heavily and blew very str

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 09:01:14
It was very cold.It snowed heavily and blew very strongly.It was not a good night to go out.But David had to walk home from work “I can be warmer,” he thought,“I wear my coat backwards①.”He took off his coat and put it on backwards.“That’s much better.”He thought and walked on.About ten minutes later a car hit him.The driver stopped his car and got out of it.He ran to help David.
Soon a police car arrived.The policeman ran to look at David.“I’m afraid he’s dead.”The policeman told the driver.
The driver could not believe it.“He can’t be dead.”He cried,“I did not touch him.Look at my car.There is not a mark②on it.
“He’s dead.”The policeman said again.
“I don’t understand it.”The driver said,“As soon as I hit him.I ran to help him.He was lying on the road,but he was breathing and there was no blood③.
“Did you touch him?”The policeman asked.
“Yes,”The driver said,“but I only turn his head around the right way.
为什么turn his head around the right way,他就死了?
由于天气很冷,那个人就把衣服脱下来反向穿上了衣服(He took off his coat and put it on backwards.),既衣服背面穿在前面,而衣服系扣那面穿在背面了.所以那人倒下后,衣服正面朝上,实际上那人是背部朝上,脸部朝下,开车人将那人脸转到上面来,和衣服方向一致了,实际上就是把那人脖子拧了一圈( I only turn his head around the right way,这句话的意思是:我只把他的头转向了正确方向).当然会dead了.