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英语翻译要求:译文要流畅2、文中[1]、[2]之类翻译为公式1、公式2In order to “lock-in” som

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 23:37:48
In order to “lock-in” some reserves ahead of time and thus ensure that at least some additional capacity is available in real-time to balance potential discrepancy between load and generation,the independent system operator (ISO) pays a reservation price to all the participants who clear the AS market to keep their capacity idle and available for generation increase (or load decrease) if needed in real-time.In addition to the capacity reservation price,participants in the AS markets also receive payments for energy generated in real-time at the real-time market clearing price,which is determined by the aggregate energy bids in the real-time market.
Normally,market clearing prices in the energy and AS markets are formed from their respective bids received.There are four major ancillary services (namely,regulation-up,regulation-down,spinning reserve,and non-spinning reserve),which are differentiated by the flexibility and response-time of service offered.Regulation services are devoted to the continuous balancing of generation resource and load to assist in maintaining normal system frequency.They are accomplished by online synchronized generation capacity ready to respond to automatic generation control signals.Regulation-up and regulation-down services are procured separately.Spin and non-spin reserves (namely,operating reserves) are prepared for purposes such as peak load shaving and security maintenance in case of plant or transmission outages.Regulation up,spin and non-spin all come from generation units operating at less than full capacity.Regulation-up is replaced gradually by operating reserves if the system balancing requirements persist.
When simultaneously participating in the energy and AS markets,participants strive to get the best strategy for allocating their capacity between energy and AS markets so as to maximize their profits or minimize their overall costs.In order to solve this problem,the market participants need to be able to forecasting prices and their volatility level in all of the energy and ancillary services markets.While there has been significant research done in the area of price forecasting,the task of getting accurate energy price forecasts is still daunting at best.This suggests that the incorporation of a rigorous yet practical stochastic price model into a co-optimization framework is quite challenging.
The ancillary service uncertainty is another important type of uncertainty borne by a market participant.AS capacity is procured as an insurance against unpredictable real-time imbalance between demand and supply.The regulation capacity actually called in real-time is highly variable.However,we are not aware of any research addressing the ancillary service uncertainty explicitly.
通常,能源和AS市场的行情清算价格由其接受的叫价构成.有四个主要的附属业务,即上规制、下规制、旋转预备和非旋转预备,由所供服务的弹性和响应时间来划分.规制业务专于发电量和负荷量的连续平衡,有助维持正常的系统频率.其通过即时可响应自动发电控制信号(不行了,头挺疼,以下略)respond to automatic generation control signals.Regulation-up and regulation-down services are procured separately.Spin and non-spin reserves (namely,operating reserves) are prepared for purposes such as peak load shaving and security maintenance in case of plant or transmission outages.Regulation up,spin and non-spin all come from generation units operating at less than full capacity.Regulation-up is replaced gradually by operating reserves if the system balancing requirements persist.
When simultaneously participating in the energy and AS markets,participants strive to get the best strategy for allocating their capacity between energy and AS markets so as to maximize their profits or minimize their overall costs.In order to solve this problem,the market participants need to be able to forecasting prices and their volatility level in all of the energy and ancillary services markets.While there has been significant research done in the area of price forecasting,the task of getting accurate energy price forecasts is still daunting at best.This suggests that the incorporation of a rigorous yet practical stochastic price model into a co-optimization framework is quite challenging.
(sdpc001 - 举人 四级)能告诉大家AS markets和 regulation-up,regulation-down,spinning reserve,and non-spinning reserve的专业叫法是什么吗?隔行如隔山呵?