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英语翻译________ Actual space travel became possible only with t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 02:03:26
________ Actual space travel became possible only with the military and technical advances of the mid-20th century.Inspired by the long-range carrier rockets that had been developed for delivering atomic weapons,the USSR (the former Soviet Union) and the United States competed fierecely to produce a rocket with sufficient thrust to send a satellite or space capsule (太空舱) into space.
81.________ The USSR won the race,causing great anxiety in America when they put the first satellite “Sputnik 1” into space orbit round the earth on October 4,1957.This historic event marked the beginning of the Space Age.As a result of the USSR’s success,the Americans poured enormous sums of money into their space travel programme because as a superpower,the country was determined not to be left behind in the field of military development.Just a few months later,on January 31,1958,America launched the first American satellite into space.
82.________ But it was not long before the USSR put further pressure on the Americans with a particularly brilliant technical performance.On April 12,1961,the cosmonaut (宇航员) Yuri Gagarin set out on the first manned space flight.It was almost a year before the first American,John Glenn,circled the earth in a space capsule.For a time the United States found it difficult to get over these defeats,but on July 20,1969,they succeeded.
83.________ On that day the US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first people to land on the moon.This spectacular event was watched on television by millions of people throughout the world.This “giant leap for mankind” gave manned space travel an enormous boost(促进) in the 1970s and 1980s.In 1981 the US sent the first “Columbia” space shuttle into space.The former Soviet Union,and later Russia,kept the MIR space station continuously manned between 1986 and 2001.
84._______ On October 15,2003,when astronaut Yang Liwei blasted off(点火起飞) into the heavens in the “Shenzhou 5” spaceship,China became the third nation in the world to launch a man into orbit and this signaled its emergence (出现) as a leading space power.According to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan,“Exploration of space knows no national borders; the mission of Shenzhou 5 is a step forward for mankind.”
____实际太空旅行成为可能只与军事和技术进步的20世纪中期.灵感来自远程运载火箭的开发提供原子武器,苏联(前苏联)和美国竞争fierecely产生足够的推力火箭发射一颗卫星和太空胶囊(太空舱)进入太空.81年.____苏联赢得了比赛,造成了巨大的焦虑在美国,当他们把第一颗人造卫星“Sputnik 1”进入太空轨道上绕地球1957年10月4日.这个历史性的事件标志着太空时代的开始.由于苏联的成功,美国大举大笔大笔的钱到他们的太空旅行计划,因为作为一个超级大国,中国决心不被留在了军事发展的领域.几个月后,1958年1月31日,美国发射了第一颗卫星送入太空的美国.82年.立刻停止了,但是不久之后苏联带来进一步的压力在美国特别完美的技术性能.1961年4月12日,(宇航员)的宇航员尤里加加林出发进行第一次载人太空飞行.它几乎是前一年的第一个美国,约翰·格伦,环绕地球的太空胶囊.有一段时间,美国发现很难克服这些失败,但1969年7月20日,他们成功了.83年.____在那一天美国宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和埃德温·奥尔德林成为第一个登上月球的人.这种壮观的事件是在电视上看数以百万计的世界各地的人们.这个“人类的一大步”给了载人太空旅行的一大进展(促进)在1970年代和1980年代.1981年,美国发出了第一个“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机进入太空.前苏联,之后俄罗斯和平号空间站保持不断载人在1986年和2001年之间.84年.____ 2003年10月15日,当宇航员杨利伟发射升空(点火起飞)到天上在“神舟五号”