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英语翻译In your normal writing,write a one-page letter about you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:10:22
In your normal writing,write a one-page letter about your life:your family,where you live,your school,friends,and all your interests.Imagine you are writing to a really good friend - and make sure to sign your signature at the bottom.
All done?Now compare your handwriting to some criteria that graphologists often look at:
SIZE:Very small handwriting is connected to good concentration skills,neatness and rationality.Very large hand-writing suggests someone loud,friendly and outgoing who loves to socialize and entertain others.
SPACING:Leaving a lot of space between each word can indicate someone that values their independence and the freedom to make their own decisions.Words cramped very close together reflects someone who gets stressed easily and perhaps puts a lot of pressure on themselves to do well.
SHAPE:Rounded letters indicate creativity and artistic abilities (writing,dancing,drawing,acting,etc.) Pointy,sharp letters shows someone very focused,intelligent and curious about the world around them.
LOOPING:Handwriting with lots of loops and embellishments reflect a person whose family is very important to them,with a huge imagination and who is sensitive to criticism from others.Very plain writing (no loops or embellishments) suggests a direct,honest and practical person who doesn't get overly emotional about the little things.
DOTTING YOUR I's:Placing the dot right over the "i" shows an attention to detail - probably reflecting an organized person who firmly believes in what they say or do.Dots placed high over the "i" shows great imagination and a potential to daydream.Placing dots to the left of the "i" can indicate laziness and a tendency to procrastinate from work.Writing a slash rather than an actual dot reflects a slightly impatient person who ges easily bored.
CROSSING YOUR t's:Short crosses across the "t" suggest someone that can be easily influenced by others.Long crosses cross the '"t" indicates great enthusiasm,and perhaps someone with the tendency to be stubborn.Crosses drawn across the very top of the "t" reflect an ambitious person with good self-esteem.
CROSSING YOUR t's:Short crosses across the "t" suggest someone that can be easily influenced by others.Long crosses cross the '"t" indicates great enthusiasm,and perhaps someone with the tendency to be stubborn.Crosses drawn across the very top of the "t" reflect an ambitious person with good self-esteem.
O's:Open,perfectly round "o"s reflect a talkative,social person who finds it easy to express their feelings.Closed "o"s reflect shyness,and a person who can find it difficult to open up to people unless they really trust them.
PRESSURE:Tremendous pressure (writing really hard on the paper) reflects someone who feels things very strongly and may have a bit of a temper.Writing with very light pressure indicates a person who is laid back,and likes to just 'go with the flow'.
SLANT:Someone who writes basically upright without slanting tends to be optimistic,honest and ambitious.