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英语翻译Dean could hear the voices from around 40 feet below him

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:30:48
Dean could hear the voices from around 40 feet below him.“Don’t give up,Dean!”Uncle Jim shouted encouragingly.“You can do it!”“You’re almost there,”Kurt called as he pulled on the 36 that ensured his cousin’s safety.
Kurt and Dean had just finished helping Uncle Jim 37 a climbing wall at a community gym in Canterville,Texas.The wall,made of concrete and crushed granite(碎石),looked just like a sandstone cliff.Despite his 38 of heights,Dean had volunteered to be the 39 to climb the new wall.
Dean heard his cousin and uncle 40 him on from below,but he didn’t reply.He was 41 the last section of the artificial rock wall to determine an approach for scaling it.He 42 he was only a few feet from the top,43 if he failed to concentrate on what he was doing,he could fall.
Dean 44 Kurt to serve as his belayer,which is the person who controls a climber’s safety rope.While Dean 45 ,Kurt took the slack (part of a rope that is not tight) out of the safety rope that was attached to the 46 of the wall.In that case,if Dean started to slip,he would fall only a few feet 47 the rope caught him.However,Dean didn’t want to fall even a few feet;he was too close to his 48 .
As Dean held on to the rock face,calculating each move with great 49 ,Uncle Jim and Kurt watched intently. 50 ,with a burst of energy,Dean climbed over the last outcropping and shouted,“I did it!”
Uncle Jim and Kurt 51 wildly.Dean smiled broad,and then grew 52 again.Falling to the ground was the 53 part for him,and his uncle and cousin knew it.The last time Dean had scaled a climbing wall,it had taken 15 minutes for him to get the 54 to come down.As the others watched in expectation,Dean 55 his tense muscles,took a deep breath,and backed over the edge.In seconds he had dived more than 40 feet to the gym floor.
院长听到了他的表弟和叔叔40他从下面,但他没有reply.He为41的人工岩壁上一节,以确定扩大it.He 42他只从上面几英尺的一种方法,43,如果他不能专注于他在做什么,他可能会下降.
迪安44库尔特作为他的保护者,这是谁的人控制着登山者的安全rope.While院长45,库尔特采取了放松(一个绳子不紧的一部分)的安全绳连接到这是46出在wall.In这种情况下,如果院长开始下滑,他会只有几英尺的绳索捕获him.However 47,院长不想下降甚至几英尺,他太接近他的48.
叔叔吉姆和库尔特51 wildly.Dean微笑着广泛的,然后上升到52 again.Falling理由是对他53的一部分,他的叔叔和表弟知道后援最后一次院长已缩小一个攀岩墙,它已采取了15分钟他得到54来down.As在观看了别人的期望,他紧张的肌肉院长55,深吸一口气,并主持edge.In秒支持他跳水超过40英尺的健身房发言.