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英语翻译Jul 14 · Nike SB P-Rod V Mid ’49ers’ Paul Rodriguez Jr.w

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:38:18
Jul 14 · Nike SB P-Rod V Mid ’49ers’
Paul Rodriguez Jr.was southern California born and bred,a fact to which Nike SB has alluded many times with various LA Dodgers colorways,apparel items and a commercial with Lakers star Kobe Bryant over Ice Cubes legendary It Was a Good Day.But anyone whos spent time in the hazy Bay Area knows that San Francisco and the surrounding cities are no slouches when it comes to cultivating a unique West Coast sensibility,so we can consider this the next logical step after the P-Rod 2.5 borrowed the classic Cali Pecan palette.The Nike SB P-Rod 5 Mid 49ers is named after San Frans five-time Super Bowl winning residents of Candlestick Park and bears their brick red and gold colors on an ankle-high LunarLon-cushioned silhouette.Click through for more,let us know what you think and if youd be interested in another Nike SB NFL Pack,and be sure to check back with Sneaker News for updates on this spring 2012 release and all P-Rod 5 release dates.
7月14·耐克SB P-Rod V的49人的中期
保罗罗德里奎兹是加州南部小出生、长大,的一个事实已经多次提到耐克SB洛杉矶道奇队与各种颜色、服装项目和商业与湖人球星科比在冰块传奇,这是一个美好的一天.但是任何人谁把时间花在朦胧知道旧金山海湾地区及周边城市的时候没有slouches培养一个独特的西海岸,所以我们可以考虑感性的下一步P-Rod后2.5借了经典卡利山核桃的调色板.耐克SB P-Rod中期的5名命名49人圣弗兰超级碗的居民正在赢得烛台公园和以他们的砖红色和金色的颜色在一个ankle-high LunarLon-cushioned剪影.通过点击,让我们知道你的想法,如果你有兴趣在另一个耐克SB NFL包,而且一定要回来的消息和运动鞋更新,就这个2012年春季发布和所有P-Rod 5发布日期.