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求用英文写的归国计划最好中英文都有 要去美国的加利福尼亚大学 河滨分校读语言

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:58:08
最好中英文都有 要去美国的加利福尼亚大学 河滨分校读语言
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to present my plans after my English lessons are completed in the USA. Before this, perhaps I should explain why I did not pick any English training programs in China.
I am working in the IT industry and everyday, I must deal with a lot of material in English. Many technical terms are difficult to understand. California is known as the Mecca (众人渴望去的地方、圣地的意思)of the IT industry. I am sure that by living there and learning English at the same time, this will be highly effective for me to improve not only my fluency in English, but also my ability to comprehend difficult technical material in English. Importantly, I shall also be exposed to the American culture first hand.
在提交归国计划前,我想先解释一下为何我不在国内学习英文.我在IT 行业工作,常要应付英文材料,尤其技术专词比较难懂.加洲被誉为IT圣地,在当地居住和学习英文,我认为能很快促进对技术专词的理解,直接和美国文化接触会让我流利地活用英语.】
Once I finish my English program, I will be in a much better position to land a job in a larger company back in China. In addition, both foreign multi-nationals as well as Chinese companies planning to invest overseas could be a prospective employer for me. In China, there is a great shortage of IT professionals who are good in English and who have some exposure to foreign cultures. This is because most Chinese companies want to tackle business opportunities overseas. For those who will not invest overseas, they plan to establish or expand their presence on the Internet. For these reasons, after my return to China, I shall concentrate on seeking a higher paying job in a company with a strong overseas exposure. With diligence and by working smartly, I believe my prospects of being promoted to a managerial position will be greatly enhanced. I hope then to enroll in an executive MBA program in Shanghai or Beijing. China will be growing strongly for many more years and with the above plan, I hope to participate in this growth in China.
【归国后,我在大公司寻找工作的机会应提高不少.外企和许多想走出去的中国公司都适合我.在中国英文好、有外国文化知识的IT 专业人士很走俏,主要原因是很多中国公司都希望做海外生意,就算它们不投资海外,也要把电子商务办好.为此,归国后,我会强调找一份工资较高、有较高对外内涵的工作.通过勤奋努力,我相信公司会提拔我到管理层.随后我会考虑在北京或上海就读(执行)或高级工商管理硕士课程.中国还有很长一段高增长的时期,我愿在此做些贡献.】
Thank you for your attention.
Yours respectfully,
我尽量用简单的语句来表达内容,如果你能在一些地方用你自己的写法稍作修改,这会更好. 主要理由是你计划去学英文,如果你目前的水平已经很好,那VO可能问你为何选一个程度较低的英文课程.