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how was your holiday?的回答选哪个

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 16:12:04
how was your holiday?的回答选哪个
1.如题A.Very well B.Yes,it is C.It was fantastic D.That’OK我觉得应该选择c,可是为什么不能选a或d的理由是什么,尤其是a2.---------did you ——May Day?I --------to Sanya.(填词) ----------又 go to any -------places?I felt a bit sick----------.Oh,--------a pity.3.The tailor made her a new -----------.A clothes B cloth C dress Dclothing(说下原因)4.there ------(be)some boys --------(play)football there last Sunday.(第二个空填什么,原因?)5.he felt ----(happy)during his holiday.(原因)
.如题A.Very well B.Yes,it is C.It was fantastic D.That’OK我觉得应该选择c,可是为什么不能选a或d的理由是什么,尤其是aa的well是副词啦,d的ok一般用在顺不顺利2.-----Where----did you go—on—May Day?I ---went-----to Sanya.(填词)----Did you------ go to any ---other----places?I felt a bit sick-----then-----.Oh,---What-----a pity.3.The tailor made her a new ----dress-------.A clothes B cloth C dress Dclothing(说下原因)clothes不可用a修饰,cloth是布,clothing是衣服总称4.there ------(be)some boys --playing------(play)football there last Sunday.(第二个空填什么,原因?)因为整个句子只能有一个谓语动词,are就已经是了,那么后面的动词要变成伴随状语用现在分词5.he felt --happy--(happy)during his holiday.(原因)快点,急求feel是系动词,要接形容词要不是happy就是unhappy