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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 03:10:06
(1) 状态系动词:只有be一词.如:
She is always like that. 她总是那样.
I am used to going about alone. 我习惯于独来独往.
These shoes are too tight for me. 这双鞋我穿太小.
I am playing basketball.
He is hit by one brick.
(2) 持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, rest,lie, stand.如:
I hope you’ll keep fit. 我希望你身体好.
He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默.
The door remained closed. 门仍然关着.
We can remain friends. 我们可以继续做朋友.
Please stay seated. 请继续坐着.
He stayed single. 他仍然是单身.
(3) 表像系动词:表示“看起来好像”,主要有seem, appear, look等.如:
He looks tired. 他看起来很累.
He seems (to be) quite happy. 他好像很快活.
The doctor seemed very capable. 那医生似乎很能干.
He appeared quite well. 他显得身体相当好.
He appeared taken aback. 他似乎很吃惊.
She appeared perplexed. 她显得迷惑不解.
(4) 感官系动词:表示“……起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉), smell(闻起来) , sound(听起来) ,taste(尝起来,吃起来) 等.如:
This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布摸起来很软.
He looks honest, but actually he’s a rogue.
They all look alike to me. 他们的模样我看起来都一样.
Everybody feels contented. 每个人都感到很满足.
Ice feels cold. 冰感觉起来是凉的.
Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑.
It sounds a good idea. 这听起来是个好主意.
This food tastes good. 这菜好吃.
(5) 变化系动词:表示主语变成什么样,主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get,go, come, run如:
He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了.
She had grown thinner and thinner.她越来越瘦了.
His cold was growing worse. 他的感冒越来越严重了.
She’s growing fat. 她正在发胖.
He’s grown used to it. 他对此已经习惯.
When she saw this, she turned red. 她看到这,脸红了.
His hair turned grey in a few weeks.
The milk will soon turn sour. 牛奶很快就会变酸.
Several people fell ill, victims of blood poisoning.
We get wiser as we get old.
Your hair has gone quite white! 你的头发全白了!
She went pale at the news. 听到这消息,她脸色变得苍白.
When I mentioned it to him he went red.
He went mad. 他疯了.
The children must not go hungry. 孩子们不能挨饿.
(6) 终止系动词:主要有prove, turn out(结果是,证明是) 等.如:
His story proved false. 他讲的情况原来是假的.
His advice proved sound. 他的劝告证明是对的.
My intuition turned out to be correct. 我的直觉证明是对的.

1 状态系动词
用来表示主语状态,只有be 一词
(1)Mr. Brown is anengineer. (名词做表语)
(2)The machine is outof order. (介词短语做表语)
(3)The television was on.(副词做表语)
(4)His plan is tokeep the affair secret.
(5)My job is repairing cars.(动名词做表语)
(6)The question is what you want to do.
2 持续系动词
(1) The door remained closed.
The teacher asked the twelfth of usto remain after school.
(vi 留下;剩下)
(2)The shop stays open till seveno'clock.
(stay 意为“保持某种状态”)
I stayed at a hotel in New York.
(stay 是不及物动词,留下,逗留,暂住)
(3)The book lies open on the table.
The snow lies thick on the ground.
I am lying on the bed. Indialies to the south of China.
(4)How do things stand at the moment?Stand still!
Stand up, please!
(5)With the wind it’sso difficult to keep warm.
(如:keep warm, keep safe,keep silent, keep dry)
We are going to keep the house in Beijingand rent it out.
3 表象系动词
(1) Anna does not seem sure.
It seems that someoneleft the building unlocked last night.
(2) Lucy appears upset. Lilyappears calm.
(3) How do I look in this dress?
You look like one milliondollars.
You look as if you havenot slept all night.
4 感官系动词
(1) Your hands feel cold(“摸起来有某种感觉”)
The doctor feels mybelly( 触摸)
(2)Your story sounds interesting(“听起来”)
He sounds the bellloudly(敲响)
(3)The milk tastes sour.(“吃或喝起来…..”)
taste some of thiscake.(“尝”)
(4)That soup smellsdelicious.(smell good, nice, spicy)
Wemust clean the bird cage –it is starting to smell.
5 变化系动词
(1)Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. He has gone blind.
go 意为“变为”多跟形容词,变化通常是由好变坏.短语搭配:go wrong, go bad, go mad, go hungry, go dead and go against.
(2)The sky turns pink.(天空一片红霞)
He turned writer twoyears ago.
turn 意为“变为”,多和颜色相搭配.在名词做表语时,不定冠词要省略.
(3) They are getting richer and richer.
become 与 get 作为变化系动词,可以由好变坏,也可以由坏变好.(4) My dream hascome true.
Wrong never comes right.
The handle has come loose.门把手(意为“成为”)
(5) The baby falls asleep.
He often falls ill.(“进入某种状态”)
Leaves fall down from the trees.(vi 落下)
(6)She grows impatient with hisconstant excuses.
(grow old, hot, worse)
It is too cold for rice to grow in the northeast of China.
6 终止系动词
(1)His story proves false.(“后来事实表明是…”)
He proved a very usefulfriend.
He has proved hiscourage in battle.(证明)
(2)Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.
It turned out that she did not getthe job in the end.
turn out 意为“结果是…,最后情况是…”
I'm happy to meet you.
They are willing to help.
We are determined to follow his example.