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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 14:25:23
Dear Editor,
I am a hardworking girl and want to do well in my lessons.But in the exams,I always make mistakes that I should have avoided.I really worry about it.What can I do to improve my performance in exams?
Dear Wang Lin,
It is quite normal for you students to have this problem,who work diligently but could not score high in exams,Nevertheless,you may succeed in coping with the problem with these following tips.
First and foremost,calming down yourself is essential though any exams,taking a deep breath before the exam may help a lot.Moreover,you must sweep up other things in your mind so as to concentrate on exams,or you may make mistakes more often than usual,After exams,it is better for you to have a conclusion on common mistakes,there you can do well even avoid all the mistakes you've found.Ultimately,turning to teachers for help or talking with classmates may also work.
Don't be too worried .Hard as you worked,you are sure to get a satisfying mark with these tips
1.Nevertheless 前面用句号
2. For example, taking a deep breath before the exam may help a lot.
3. After exams 前面用句号
, it is better for you to have a conclusion on common mistakes. 4. Then/By doing so, you can do better,or even can avoid all the mistakes you've found.
5. Yare sure to get a satisfying mark with these tips as long as you work hard.
hard as you work 意思是:尽管你很努力
写得不错的,符号应该是笔误. 希望没有改错 O(∩_∩)O~
高三英语作文修改假如你是某家英文报社的编辑,昨日收到一位中学生读者王丽的来信.请根据来信内容用英语写一封回信.词数120 假如你是某家英文报社的编辑,昨日收到一位中学生读者王丽的来信。请根据来信内容用英语写一封回信。词数120左右。 写作.假如你是 写作. 假如你是某家英文报社的编辑,昨日收到一位中学生读者王丽的来信.请根据来信 内容和所给的要点提示用 假如你是某英语报社“烦恼和我说”栏目的编辑Linda,收到中学生David 的来信。请你阅读这封信后,给他回信。词数:1 英语作文 假如你是李华 是一名编辑 收到中学生读者的来信 咨询怎么样提高成绩 回信内容是 好的学习习... 初二的英语作文,下面是一名中学生写给报社编辑的一封信.假设你是编辑DAVID,请你根据来信内容写一封回信,谈谈你的建议. 求一篇英语作文,急用!写一篇100词左右的建议信.内容:假如你是某报社编辑,昨天收到一位学生的来信.根据提示用英语写一封 书面表达. 书面表达.      假如你是某家英文报社的编辑,昨日收到一位中学生 请写篇简单的英语作文假如你是一家报社的编辑,刚收到一位名叫小雨的中学生的来信,信中向你反映他最好的朋友迷恋上网,经常旷课 回复读者来信,急 假如你是某杂志社的编辑,读者来信.你要根据主要内容回信. 用5句子英语写作假如你是某英语报社的编辑李华,你收到读者王海的来信.他在信中说他与好朋友分享秘密,他守住了对方的秘密,可 英语作文 急用假设你是某英文报社的编辑李华,你收到读者王海的来信.他在信中说他与好朋友分享秘密,他守住了对方的秘密,可对