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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:07:45
Book 2 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCBCC 6-10 ACCBA
11-15 BCCAB 16-20 BACBB
21-25 DBAAB 26-30 CDADB
31-35 DDCAB 36-40 FCBED 41-45 CACBD 46-50 DBCDC 51-55 BBDCC 56-60 ADDBC 61. traditional 62. are used
63. cutting 64. expression
65. painting 66. that / which
67. it 68. to
69. to create 70. practising
71. ... killed or injure ... injure → injured
72. So why can we ... why → how
73. ... following traffic rule. rule → rules
74. ... you were riding ... were → are
75. ... always keeping to ...
keeping → keep
76. ... look at both right ... 去掉at
77. ... a road is ... a → the
78. ... waiting cross ... cross前加to
79. ... cross it safe ... safe → safely
80. ... rules or you'll ... or → and
One possible version:
This is a traditional Chinese painting, named Plum Blossom, by Wang Mian in the Yuan Dynasty.
Wang Mian is very good at painting plum blossoms. We can tell from this painting that he is very skillful in using a brush and ink. The plum blossoms are painted in darker or lighter ink. They are so alive that it seems that they are really blossoming. In Chinese culture, plum blossoms are a symbol of a high spirit and strong will. The painter uses plum blossoms to show his pure and high spirit.
This painting not only brings us enjoyment, but also shows us the artist's painting style and thoughts.
A篇 (社会)
本文是应用文.文章是对波士顿Red Sox的著名棒球球手David Ortiz的采访.
21. D.推理判断题.由David Ortiz的父母对他在成功道路上的付出可知,他得到了父母巨大的支持.
22. B.推理判断题.根据David Ortiz说each time I'm facing somebody, they're giving me the best of what they have. So I have to bring the best of what I have可知,David Ortiz意志坚强.
23. A.细节理解题.根据最后一段的More importantly, it's hard work that will take you to where you want to be可知,David Ortiz认为勤奋是通往成功路上最重要的事情.
B篇 (文娱与体育)
24. A.主旨大意题.第一段描写了这个舞蹈队在球赛中场休息时间表演的精彩瞬间.
25. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的the hip-hop moves and big smiles of the Brooklyn Nets Kids可知,Brooklyn Nets Kids是一群舞蹈队员.
26. C.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段的It can also be hard to keep my attention. If I see someone famous in the crowd, it changes my dancing a little bit可知,Serena认为在表演过程中看到名人会分散她的注意力,这一点对她来说是个难题.
27. D.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的being a Brooklyn Nets Kid is pleasurable可知,Brooklyn Nets Kids的孩子们从舞蹈表演中获得了快乐.
C篇 (艺术)
28. A.推理判断题.根据第一段可知,保罗·塞尚卖掉的画作很少,也没有获过奖项,他不得不依靠父亲和朋友的资助,而他的伟大在其生命的后十年才被认可.由此可推断,在保罗·塞尚一生的大多数时光,他看似是个失败者.
29. D.推理判断题.根据第四段的he later broke with the impressionists. He was more concerned with structure and color than ... 可知,塞尚并不喜欢印象派绘画.
30. B.段落大意题.从最后一段的He invented a way of ..., often changed a shape or its color to ..., they are powerful expressions of forms in space可知,本段主要介绍了塞尚的绘画风格.
D篇 (社会)
31. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的he nearly threw the bottle back into the water可知,Konrad Fischer原本打算把瓶子扔掉.
32. D.词义猜测题.根据本段的dampness和the readable part of the message,以及下文的try to figure out the meaning of the rest of the message可知,潮湿使得大部分字迹模糊,无法辨认.
33. C.推理判断题.根据第五段可知,当Erdmann看到101年前祖父扔到海里的瓶子和信时,她不敢相信,由此推断当时她很惊讶.
34. A.细节理解题.根据第三段的dated May 17, 1913,第四段的who was 20 years old when he wrote the message及倒数第三段的her grandfather, who died in 1946可知,Richard Platz去世时五十多岁.
35. B.文章出处题.本文是对最古老的瓶中信被发现这一事件的描述,从事件描述的时间、地点、经过以及后续发展等可判断本文最有可能是一篇新闻报道.

36. F.根据下文滑板正式出现的时间可知,第二段指早期滑板出现的时间及形式,故选F项.
37. C.C项中的riding hands free是handles were taken away的结果.
38. B.由上文的the popularity of skateboarding went downhill和下文的the sport was almost dead可知选B项.
39. E.E项中的new skateboards were made with better wheels与下文的new material, smoother and safer, Skateboards were hot again相呼应.
40. D.D项是滑板运动再次流行起来的一个方面.

41. C.根据下文的went out of the locked door of the mental hospital可知,安妮“被关在(locked)”精神病医院的地下室里.
42. A.根据上文的a hopelessly mad girl可知,疯女孩安妮有时候会“生气地(angrily)”打靠近她的人.
43. C.根据下文内容可知,老护士“相信(believed)”安妮是有希望的.
44. B.根据下文的seeing her every day可知.
45. D.根据but一词的转折可知,尽管安妮大多数时候忽视老护士的存在,但老护士“从未(never)”终止每天来看望她.
46. D.根据老护士对安妮所做的一切可知,她很“善良(kind-hearted)”.
47. B.根据下文的who kept showing love可知,老护士给予安妮的是“爱(love)”.
48. C.根据第一段和本段的对比可知,在老护士的帮助下,安妮有了“变化(changes)”.
49. D.根据They moved her upstairs和went out of the locked door of the mental hospital可知,安妮的状况持续地“改善(improving)”.
50. C.根据上文的a hopelessly mad girl可知.
51. B.根据下文的as the kind old nurse helped her可知.
52. B.根据下文的little Annie ... a great teacher可知,安妮成为了海伦·凯勒的“老师(teacher)”.
53. D.54. C.55. C.安妮“照顾(cared for)”、训练海伦·凯勒,并和她一起工作,“直到(until)”海伦·凯勒点亮带给全世界“光明(light)”的蜡烛.此处的light指伟大的海伦·凯勒所作出的贡献.
56. A.安妮·沙利文“创造(created)”了海伦·凯勒的生命奇迹.
57. D.根据上文的an old nurse ... that little Annie had hope可知,老护士对安妮充满了“信心(confidence)”.
58. D.从安妮的变化可知,好心的老护士让安妮从一个“不友好的(unfriendly)”小孩变成了一名伟大的老师.
59. B.根据下文的be known可知,如果不是安妮·沙利文,海伦·凯勒的名字不会“被知道(known)”.
60. C.帮助安妮改变的是一位“护士(nurse)”.

61. traditional.考查形容词.设空处作定语,修饰Chinese folk art,故填形容词traditional.
62. are used.考查语态和主谓一致.Paper-cuts与use之间是被动关系,且Paper-cuts是复数,故填are used.
63. cutting.考查非谓语动词.be good at ... 意为“善于……”,后跟动词时应用其动词-ing形式,故填cutting.
64. expression.考查名词.设空处前有定冠词修饰,故填名词expression.
65. painting.考查名词.设空处作介词like的宾语,故填名词painting.
66. that / which.考查关系词.________ are all hand-made是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词beautiful lines and patterns,且设空处在定语从句中作主语,故填that / which.
67. it.考查代词.设空处指代前一个分句中的cutting a piece of paper,故填it.
68. to.考查介词.lead to ... 是固定搭配,意为“导致……”.
69. to create.考查非谓语动词.attempt后跟不定式作宾语,故填to create.
70. practising.考查非谓语动词.keep后跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填practising.

I. 1-5 DCBCB
II. 1-5 DACCD 6-10 CBCDC
11-15 BCBDC 16-20 CAACC
1. D.主旨大意题.Ernie是曼彻斯特水族馆的一只海龟,本文报道了关于它的趣闻.Ernie在2013年因为它的奇怪癖好而出名,最近它又因为吃得太多而超重,因此水族馆决定让它开始节食.D项准确地概括了文章主旨.
2. C.细节理解题.由第一段首句可知,面对美食,很多人会管不住自己的嘴.再对比第二句的we seldom hear about animals doing the same可知,动物很少会吃得太多.
3. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的the sea turtle was a few pounds above his healthy weight可知,Ernie目前面临的问题是超重.
4. C.推理判断题.根据第三段的in the wild, they swim for miles, burning calories和the exercise is clearly not enough可知,水族馆官员在鱼缸的不同位置喂海龟食物是为了让它多运动以消耗卡路里.
5. B.推理判断题.倒数第二段描述了来到这家水族馆的那一年,Ernie只吃sprouts,而且必须是从特定的一家超市买来的.它对某种特殊食物的喜爱,是一种奇怪的饮食习惯.

1. D.根据最后一段的refuse to listen to it because it is “not real reading”可知,很多人认为听音频书不是真正的“阅读(reading)”.
2. A.边喝咖啡边看书是“美妙的(wonderful)”经历.
3. C.由下文作者对音频书的喜爱可知,听到人们说音频书没有什么价值,她“生气(upset)”了.
4. C.对喜爱音频书的作者来说,她“相信(believe)”听音频书是有意义的阅读经历.
5. D.根据本段的I can experience enjoyment以及下一段的advantage可知.
6. C.根据上文的the gift of time和下文作者忙于家务可知,她没有太多的“时间(time)”坐下来读书.
7. B.根据上文的The main ... with audio books is the gift of time可知,音频书使一边干活一边阅读成为“可能(possible)”.
8. C.音频书不用看,而是“听(listen to)”.
9. D.根据下文的Without using my eyes可知,作者“闭着(closed)”眼也能“读书”.
10. C.本段探讨音频书“提供(offer)”的另外一个好处.
11. B.根据the dialogues和the proper pronunciation of an unfamiliar dialect可知,音频书可以让人体验语言的“声音(sound)”.
12. C.13. B.根据上文的the advantage of being able to experience the ... of language可知,作者被音频书中的对话所“吸引(attracted)”,她可以“欣赏(enjoy)”不熟悉的方言的正确发音.
14. D.根据下文的we all look back on those times with pleasure可知,作者认为别人念书给我们听可以带来极大的“乐趣(pleasure)”.
15. C.根据上文的listening to Where the Red Fern Grows 和下文的the book可知,听完“书(book)”的结尾,作者一家潸然泪下.
16. C.虽然孩子们都已成年,“但(but)”我们都开心地回忆起那段时光,那本让我们潸然泪下的书仍然是我们的最爱.
17. A.18. A.根据下文的Both are enjoyable可知,“喜欢(like)”音频书的作者,同时也“经常(always)”被纸质书所吸引.
19. C.根据本句的enjoyable可知,作者认为纸质书和音频书都给了人们快乐和有价值的阅读机会.此句与上文的to hear that they are less valuable相呼应.
20. C.根据encourage和never refuse to listen to it because it is not “real reading”可知,作者呼吁读者“尝试(try)”听音频书.