作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

完形填空 One day Tom bought a donkey in the market,but while he

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:16:37
完形填空 One day Tom bought a donkey in the market,but while he was taking it home,two thieves _85_him .One of them took the rope from the donkey's neck and tied it _86_his friend's neck .Then he away with the donkey.
When Tom —87— home he turned and saw the young man.He was very surprised "_88_is my donkey?"he said angriy .
"I'm very sorry ",said the thief,"but once i said some very bad things to my mother ,and she change me into a donkey.But because a good man_89_me,i am now a man again .thank you ."
Tom _90_the man and said ,"GO And never say bad things to your mother again."
The next day ,Tom saw the _91_donkey in the market again .the other.(后面不打了)
85.A.helped B.followed C.went to D.looked at
86.A.at B.on C.over D.round
87.A.got B.reach C.arrive at D.arrived in
88.A.What B.Which C.Where D.What kind
89.A.gave B.took C.sold D.bought
90.A.untied B.tied C.tried D.tie
91.A.same B.other C.mother D.young man's
85. B follow跟踪
86. D 绳子系在脖子上,round表示环绕
87. C 到家用arrive at home,小地方用at
88. C 问:...在哪儿?
89. A 给我的
90. A 解开绳子
91. A 同一个,the same