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又送分--英语翻译Marketing and Sales Organization 3.1 Sales Organisa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:21:46
Marketing and Sales Organization
3.1 Sales Organisation
(a) Organization chart and description of sales staff; by product line, by division, by geographic distribution
(b) Describe the number of in-house sales personnel and their average years' experience with the Company and industry generally
(c) Describe the incentive arrangements with the sales professionals
(d) Describe any training provided to the Company's sales force
(e) Describe each sales person who will be transferred to newco (age, average experience with Company and indsutry, incentive agreements, training, performance)
3.2 Sales channels, representatives
(a) Description of the sales channel, legal relationship with sales offices, wholesalers and direct retailers and break down of sales
by each (location, direct, reseller, distributor, etc…)
(b) List of key representatives, wholesalers, resellers, etc.
(c) For each, describe compensation arrangements, markets served, turnover achieved, duration of relationship, degree of satisfaction
(d) Describe any significant historical and projected trends concerning methods of sales and distribution used by the Company and the industry generally
3.3 Service organisation and description of activities
3.4 Marketing organisation and description of activities
3.6 Customers
(a) List and description (name, location, industry type, turnover per year, main products sold to customer) of the top 50 customers
(b) Provide a copy of contracts with the top 50 customers.
3.6 Key account management
(a) Describe treatment of key accounts
(b) Describe quantity of sales forces working with key accounts
(c) Describe special arrangements with key accounts
(c) Describe the general term and special term of top 50 customers
3月1日销售组织架构图(一)销售组织与销售人员的描述; 按产品线由师(二)按地理分布描述一些在内部销售人员,其平均年经验的公司,业内人士普遍形容(三)激励安排与销售专业培训(四)说明该公司的销售队伍(五)描述每个销售人员将转往新(年龄公司与制造业平均经验,激励协议、培训业绩)3.2销售渠道(一)描述代表的销售渠道,同法律售楼处,直接打破、批发商和零售商销售的每(地点、直接、转售商、经销商、等等::)(二)主要代表名单、批发商、转售等(三)为每个大字补偿安排,服务市场,成交额达到长短关系(四)满意度形容任何重大历史趋势和预测方法采用的销售及分销公司和服务行业普遍三月三日跷跷描述营销活动三月四日六月三日活动说明客户名单(一)、描述(名称、地点、工业类、每年营业额、主要产品卖给顾客)前50位顾客(二)提供一份合同五十强顾客.三月六日(一)描述主要帐户管理帐户(二)主要治疗形容销售量占主要势力(三)与特殊安排与描述关键账户(丙)一词形容一般和特殊客户一届五十强