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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 07:04:19
account action additional afterwards aisle ambassador
ambulance analyst anniversay announcer annual any way
apply appointment appreciate
account(a written or spoken report) 报道,叙述.action(doing things for a purpose)行动,动作.additional(added to something already there)附加的,添加的.afterwards(after something else has happened)以后,后来.aisle(a passage between rows of seats in a church)走道,过道.ambassador(an important official representing his or her country in the capital city of another country)大使,使节.
ambulance(a motor vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people to hospital)救护车.analyst(a person who makes an analysis of a subject and gives opinion about it)分析者,分析家.anniversay(a date which is remembered because it is an exact number of years after an event)周年纪念日.announcer(a person who gives information to people ,espically on radio or television)播音员,节目主持人.annual (happening or done every year or once a year)每年的,一年一次的.any way (used when you are saying that something is true in spite of something else)不管怎样,尽管...还是.
apply (to request something ,espically in writing)申请.appointment (an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place,espically a formal or official meeting)约见,约会.appreciate(to understand and enjoy the good qualities or value of something)欣赏,鉴赏,赏识.