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会 英语翻译的过来下啊~~~~~~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:58:22
会 英语翻译的过来下啊~~~~~~
One day in early March of 1993. While Pauline. Tom and their 11-year-old son Jason were shopping for a toyPauline saw a wallet lying on the floor She looked inside and found 200.The family were homeless and didn't have any job.The wallrt could change their life. But thet took the wallet to the nearby police station The wallet was found to have some other pockets and moer money in it --over 2000 The police called the man who lost the wallet to pick it up. The man thanked the family,but did not reward them Luckily for the family, a TV news reporter filmed the story. people from all over the country heard the story and sent them letters,money, and eve jobs.A businessman even let them live in jis house for six months for free.The family's future is bright,right?Who found the wallet?( )A jason's father Bjason's monther Cjason D The policewhat does the underlined word "reward" meanA It means "to give something to"B It means"to speak to"C It means "to make a call to"D It means "to send cards to"From the passage we know many people A work hard to change their livesB are ready to help others Care unfriendly to the poorDar polite to othersWhich of the follwing is TRUE about the family?A They got lots of money from a reporter.B They made friends with the owner of the wakketC They became known to many people D They lived in a small house before they found the wallet Which is the best title of the pssageA Money is ererythingB A friendly reporter C A kind businessman D From poor to rich各位大虾 帮帮小弟 真的很急 老师要说的 我需要全部翻译包括问题和答案 快点啊 也把答案也做出来 谢谢各位大虾了
1993年3月初的一天,Pauline, Tom 和他们11岁的儿子Jason在买玩具.Pauline看见地上有个钱包.她看到里面有200元.他们没有家也没有工作.这个钱包可以改变他们的生活.但是他们把钱包拿到附近的警察局.钱包还有一个口袋里面有更多的钱-2000多!警察给丢钱包的人打电话让他来取,那人说了声谢谢,但没有给他们任何报酬.幸运的是,一个电台记者把情景录下来了,全国人都听到这个故事并给他们写信、寄钱、甚至提供工作.一个商人甚至让他们一家人住进他家六个月免费.这家人的将来会充满阳光,对吗?
Who found the wallet?( )A jason's father Bjason's monther Cjason D The police
谁发现了钱包?B. Jason's mother
what does the underlined word "reward" mean? 划线的词reward的意思是
A It means "to give something to
From the passage we know many people从文中我们看出
B are ready to help others
Which of the follwing is TRUE about the family?关于这家人下面哪句话是对的?
C They became known to many people
Which is the best title of the passage 文章的题目应该是
D From poor to rich