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阅读理解Reading is like riding a bicycle.You don’t read everythi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 10:04:06
Reading is like riding a bicycle.You don’t read everything at the same speed.How fast you read often depends upon your reason for reading.Sometimes you need to read slowly and carefully.You do this when you study.You also read slowly when you are following a set of directions(说明).
Sometimes you don’t want to read a whole article or story.You may just be looking for a fact you need to know.Or you might be looking for the answer to a question.When you read very quickly for such a purpose,you are skimming(浏览).The article you are reading may have subheading(标题) or less important titles.You can use these to help you find the part of the article you want.
Other times you may be reading for fun.You read most novels this way.You don’t have to remember acts or ideas,so you read rather quickly.You often need to read such stories only once.
( )56.The article compares(比喻) reading to riding a bicycle
A.A.reading is as much a pleasure as riding a bicycle
B.B.You change speeds in reading as well as in riding a bicycle
C.C.You should read as fast as you ride a bicycle
D.D.You must read slowly as you ride a bicycle slowly for safety
( ) 57.You can skim when you ______..
A.A.don’t want to know all the details (细节) of a whole article or story
B.B.are following a set of directions
C.C.are studying for exams
D.D.ignore(忽视) the subheadings of an article
( )58.When you read stories for fun,you generally read them ____ .
A.very carefully.B.many times C.rather slowly
E.D.no more than once
( ) 59.Which one of the following is one way of skimming?
A.Reading carefully.B.Reading slowly.
A.C.remembering something.D.Reading subheadings.
( ) 60.When you read a novel for fun,you _________ .
A.A.skim because the details are not important anyway
B.B.read carefully because many things in the novel are not true
C.C.read quickly because it is not necessary to remember the details
D.D.read it quickly so that you only have to read it once